Monday, October 31, 2005

The One With Multiple Adds

Why is it that everytime I log onto MSN, there are like 2-5 people adding me to their msn? I have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE who these people are and I don't even know how they got my msn address (then again, it is a pretty easy address but still :-P). Anyway, I'm betting like 99.99% of them are just random bots or something like that that just add random address at any random old time. :-P

It's finally HALLOWEEN! Didn't do much on Saturday. Didn't get tickets for any of the club events, didn't get dressed up, didn't get drunk. :-P Though I don't really mind it. Just hung out with San & Julie, till 3:30 am (was 4:30 am if DST still applied). Chit chatted, hung out at OPM and Joey's, sang some songs, mastered the art of playing the tamborine. Hahahaha! By the way, Avril Lavigne's "He Wasn't" rocked so much more with a tamborine. :-D

I won't be able to hand out candies tonight too cause of classes so that's a bummer! I think I'm going to go to Shoppers and buy me a box of mini candies/chocolates so I feel better. Hehehehehehe!

Speaking of candies, let us all reminisce about when we were kids and we went trick-or-treating. Ahhh, I miss all those free candies. :-D Best treat ever? Chupa Chups!!!!

Happy Halloween! :-D

Friday, October 28, 2005

The One With The Asian BSB

Hahahahahaha!!!!! I have no words to explain this but it's hilarious!!! I saw this clip of them on Good Morning America 2 days ago and I was on a frantic quest to seek them out. I came up empty until today (though I shouuuuuuld have always checked with the original source FIRST :-P but anyway), when I stumble onto this link for Click on the Play button. No need to thank me for bringing them into your lives. Hahahaha!

The Backdorm Boys - I Want It That Way

I think they have a few more on their site but this one made me laugh out loud the most. ;-)

Happy Friday, everyone! :-)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The One With The Disappointing Midterm

Well, I finally got my 3rd exam result and needless to say, it was disappointing. My god, I studied A LOT for this one. But there is a silver lining here - 64% of the class FAILED it! I didn't think it was a hard exam but the answers needed to be VERY specific (it being a law class and all :-P). Ok, the good news, Trevor (the professor) will scale the mark on a bell curve so that's excellent for me. If I do well on my final, then I could still eventually come out with a A or an A-. :-D

Hmm, nothing much to add. Got some group projects to finish so if this is my last entry before Halloween (doubtful :-P) then I will leave you with this

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The One With The Secrets

Before I add this link to my list of looting and plundering, and etc, I just want to say that it's such a cool site. Nothing flashy or fancy, just people anonymously writing their secrets in a homemade postcard and sending them to this person and poof, they're up on the website.

Note that some are disturbing while others are pretty lighthearted. Personally, I don't know if I'll even do that so I must say, most of the senders are very brave, and quite creative too. So, if you're up for it, here's how you send in your secrets:

(from PostSecret website)
You are invited to anonymously contribute your secrets to PostSecret. Each secret can be a regret, hope, funny experience, unseen kindness, fantasy, belief, fear, betrayal, erotic desire, feeling, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before.

Create your 4-by-6-inch postcards out of any mailable material. If you want to share two or more secrets, use multiple postcards. Put your complete secret and image on one side of the postcard. Please do not email your secrets.

Be brief - the fewer words used the better.
Be legible - use big, clear and bold lettering.
Be creative - let the postcard be your canvas.
Mail your secrets to:

13345 Copper Ridge Rd
Germantown, Maryland
USA 20874-3454

So, what's my secret? Well, if I told you, then it wouldn't be one anymore, would it? :-P Who knows, maybe it'll appear on that site one day. Hehehehehe!

Friday, October 21, 2005

The One With Me Waking Up From Hibernation

Salut mes amis! :D Before you ask, yes, I am well rested now. Hehehe!

I don't really have much to say today. So, I'll just leave you with a video that Charissa sent to start off the weekend with a laugh. :-D

Click on picture to watch!

Have a fabulous weekend. :-D

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The One With Me Whining :-P

T-minus 150 minutes! Just mere hours before I start writing my last midterm! Let us all rejoiceeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Anyway, I am trying really hard to stay awake. I've ran out of Sobe Arush and I am just sick of drinking coffee (only for the moment so don't get your panties all in a bunch :-P). I think I read somewhere that a jog around the block will do me some good and gives me some energy to keep me going but fuck that; I'm lazy & it's chilly outside. :-P So I'm just going to whine about things till it's time for me to go.

Whine #1 - The frequency of seeing a photo radar van parked on the side of the road (on 97st and before 118 Ave) this past week has increased. Luckily for me, I know NEVER to speed down that area cause it's alllllll about the trap. :-P

Whine #2 - Midterms that are worth 50% of my final mark. Don't get me wrong, I'm learning a lot in that class but 50%??? Talk about pressure. :-S

Whine #3 - The rising cost of EVERYTHING! I didn't know I'd have to use phrases that start with "I remember the time when it only cost me..." so soon.

Whine #4 - Running out of Sobe Arush! :-( On the note of E-Drinks, why isn't Bawls being sold everywhere? :-P

Whine #5 - Watching the clock, ticking away slowly, and hoping that time would hurry the fuck up so that I can start and finish my midterm quickly (while my brain is still retaining all that I've read), sit through the lecture after, and come home and sleep till the weekend!

Before anyone offers me cheese (get it! Hahaha! :-P), I'm out of here.

Oh, here's my "pretentious" music pick of the week (it's a torrent*). Frankly, I don't think it's pretentious if I really do like the music so there. :-P

Chris Botti - To Love Again
- Did I mention that I love Michael Bublé? :-) He's on the album too. :-)

To buy it, get onto ;-)

*What's a torrent? If you don't know, google.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The One With Me Pulling An All-Nighter

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have done it AGAIN! :-P Well, at least I got 2/3 of the HR group project completed (thanks to one member sending his section of the proj to me before midnight). Wow! I was quite shocked actually. So, now I'm waiting for the other member to finish up and e-mail it over to me before noon. I guess I should try to get some sleep as I will need to wake up in time to finish up the proj. so we can all hand this one during class.

Something tells me that I will be buying a lot of coffee from Tim Hortons or lots of Arush from the local Mac's store before I make my way to class. :-S

Speaking of Timmys, I wonder if I should have got the globetrotter a Tim Hortons coffee & mug package as his departing gift. Hehehe! Oh well, the urban barn :-P mug was pretty nice too. Hope you use it or else, ship it back! Hahahahaha! Just joking :-P

But what I really wanted to get you was this (see below) but I was too lazy to drive my ass to Chinatown (actually, I don't know where I saw it before - not sure if it's even sold in Chinatown) so you got a mug instead. Hahaha! And I'm not sure if they sell rice in Geneva though (I know, I'm being ignorant! Hahaha :-P)

Monday, October 17, 2005

The One With The Midterms

Ok, I did 2 midterms and I have a group project and my mgt. law midterm to complete. I am officially BURNNNNNNNNNNNNT OUT!!!! I spent most of last weekend STUDYING! Yes, DEAR GOD!!!! Those words did come out of my mouth or rather, from my head since I'm typing this all out. What has been fueling me for the past few days? See below:

It's much better than the other "energy drinks" available in the market. It has a citrusy tang to it. And I don't think it's as sweet but what do I know, I'm burnt out. :-P

Hmm, the labelling is different in the states (see below). I guess it's easier to package as ARush than it is to relabel everything and sell it as "poussée d'adrénaline" in Quebéc - thanks to Bill 101. :-P

Anyhow, I think I died on both my midterms. I just hope I pass cause damn, it was hard. :-P And I'm not looking forward to the last one. Though funny enough, I think I might be more prepared for that one than the others.

What did I learn this weekend? Well, MIS is not interesting. :-P I wish the lectures were more interactive rather than being all about listening to the prof talk for 3 hours (think a poorman's geektalk heaven). ;-) What else? I cannot read and comprehend 6 chapters from my HR textbook in less than 4 hrs.

By the way, do you find that it's easier to remember what you read in fiction lit than it is to remember what you read in text books? What's up with that? :-P

Ok, I've got some more readings to do as I'm also waiting for my group members to send me their portions of this good proj which is due at 6 pm tomorrow and I have to compile it all before then. :-S Did I mention that I'm not too fond of groupwork? People who say groupwork is a slacker's haven should be shot (again with a spitball or something cause I don't promote violence). I laugh at this as I think back on the junior high days. Hahaha!

Oh! A big shout out to the globetrotter who has finally landed in Geneva. Lucky bastard! :-P I hope you get all your stuff sorted before your classes start! Can't wait to see all the photos of your European adventures. :-)

Friday, October 14, 2005

The One With The Sneaky Photo Radar Trap

Got this email titled "YOU ARE SCREWED NOW!!!" from my wonderful pally, Angela or as I like to call her, CRACKA! Hahahahahaha! Great! I was looking just for minivans before and now I got to be on the lookout for garbage bins too? How am I gonna speed and avoid getting ticketed? :-P

What Are They Looking At??? New photo radar trap

Not just any ordinary garbage container Bastards!!!!

Those sneaky bastards!

Midterms are around the corner (literally). Already did one this week. :-P I think I've mentioned before that I'm more nervous about my Mgt Law exam. I mean, 50% of my final mark is a DAMN LOT! Speaking of exam, I've been invited to a study group for it. My first! Awwww! HEHEHEHE! I don't really like studying in groups as I think they kinda make you nervous if they start throwing out stuff/questions at you and all you can reply with is a blank stare! It's like I have to study ahead before I meet with my study group. Damn, that's hard work. :-P

Anyway, whoever reads this, pray for me. :-P Jesus and I thank you. Hehehehe

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The One With Happy Songs

The world is bleek! See: the numerous CRAP tv shows being churned out by various networks, rising gas prices, "hurricanes, earthquakes, wars, oh my", and much more.

I'm not saying I'm going to go all Ghandi and encourage everyone to be more aware of their surroundings, government activities, environmental and ethical issues, etc. cause GOD knows I don't practice what I preach. :-P I think that if you are content with what you are doing, then more power to you. :-)

Anyway, I know it's not much but hopefully these songs will bring a smile to your face when you listen to them. :-D

I'm going to steal from the catch phrase of Edward R. Murrow and wish you all, "Good Night and Good Luck." By the way, since my mentor in the art of über pretentiousness has left town, I guess I won't be watching "Good Night and Good Luck". Hehehehe :-)

The One With Boondock

Well, one exam down and two more to go. :-P Just read the syllabus for Mgt Law and damn, the exam is worth 50% of my final mark. Talk about pressure! :-O

So, read this and got a chuckle out of me. :-D Click on the image to see the original.

For more boondock comics, goto

Monday, October 10, 2005

The One With the Post-It Notes

Post-It Notes are a thing of beauty. Not only do they aid in getting me to remember stuff (e.g. pay bills, return calls, breathe) but they can be used to make ART.

I stumbled onto these pic (see below) and they're so cool. :-D

Post-It Closeup Post-It Art

If you want to learn how to do this, check out the play by play at:

Anyway, Happy Turkey Day, Folks! :-D

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The One About CBC

You may have noticed that I might add one or more entries per day depending on how bored I am or what's on my mind or how I'm procrastinating like no one's business. :-P

I MISS CBC!!!!! Well, CBC Newsworld. I thought the lockout/strike had ended. Let me check! HOOOOOOOOORAAAAAYYYYY!!! It's OVER! I guess it just take a couple more weeks to get back to schedule? In the meantime, I'm enjoying the shows that CBC is churning out from their archives so that they can fill the empty timeslots. Been watching "The Passionate Eye" and "The Fifth Estate" a lot. Especially when the shows are on at wee hours in the morning. The last one that I saw was about the Liberals vs the Conservatives in the US titled "Sticks and Stones".

According to the CBC intro to the segment, "The United States is in the midst of a very un-civil war. It's a war of words that's pitting conservative against liberal, that's already divided the country into red and blue. The new gladiators are commentators like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter and their forum is the television studios of networks like Fox. It's loud, it's raucous, but does it have anything to do with the truth?"

If you want to check it out, some guy is streaming the segment (poor quality though but hey, at least it's available ;-)) here:

And if you want to skip ahead and see Ann Coulter gets "owned" (note: always backup what u say with ACCURATE sources), check here:

It's funny when you watch someone who's so "passionate about her belief" (but I see her as arrogant :-P) screws up. Hahaha! Anyway, that's my socially conscious entry of the day, maybe week, month, year or even lifetime. :-P

The One About Me Borrowing From Friends

Well, if you guys are Friends fanatic then you'd know about the way I'm gonna name all my future entries on this blog. Hahaha! God, I miss that show though their jokes were running thin so am glad they went off before things got too tired and boring.

It's Sunday and tomorrow till be Monday. What does that mean? Well, firstly, it's Thanksgiving tomorrow so that's exciting. Well, not really. I'm just hyping it up cause I will have TURKEY! I mean, I can have turkey any old time of the year but there's just something about Thanksgiving and turkey. While we're at it, the same goes for Christmas and turkey. Hehehehe! So, on that note (holiday cheers), I hope everyone will have a great Thanksgiving. :-D

Secondly, I have my first exam of the semester on Tuesday. :-( I have to read SEVEN chapters for that one and that's a bloody LOT! It's short answer though so I'm hoping I can bullshit my way through it.

Did another 2-4-1 (Waiting & Wallace & Gromit) with the globetrotter on Saturday. :-D Our last one since he'll begin his journey to the Swiss Alps on Tuesday. I wish him all the best and that he won't forget the little people when he's working for some big organization as an economist. ;-)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The One About Me Disappearing Into Oblivion

Saw A History of Violence today. It's not a bad film; though as mentioned to the globetrotter, it's kind of too "simple/straight-forward" for a David Cronenberg movie. But it was pretty entertaining so I would recommend that people go and watch this film. By the way, VIGGO IS FINE!!!!!! :-)

What else? Well, was checking emails and the following fwd struck a funny bone. HEHEHEHE! Hope everyone is having a great weekend (even if it is raining and everything)! :-P

The Truth About MySpace