I am ILL! Yes, for the past 2 weeks I've been hit with a nasty ass cold bug! At least I hope it's a cold bug cause my co-contributor to this blog got pneumonia so I'm hoping it's not that extreme and that the co-contributor feels better soon.
One more presentation and a final and I'm done for the semester. Still unsure about summer courses cause there are not a lot of courses offered that I want to take or can take to add to my credits. Oh well, maybe it's not too bad to take a break after 5 semesters of studies. Just one more to tough out and I will be FINITO!!!! Hooooray! No more group meetings, no more papers, no more presentations after work. Ohhhhhh...how I yearnnnnnnnnn for those days...
Aside from that, not a whole lot is happening. Oh Snowrice has turned 29!!!!!!!! OMG CONGRATS! hehehehe Someone sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee has a lot of time to party while (a) working on his Masters, (b) working part time?, (c) I dunno what else you do anymore lol. OMG, UPDATES! hehehehe jk jk Hope you had a blast and by your last entry, it sounded like you did. :D Happy Belated Birthday Snowy! For the record, I soooooooo wished him Happy Birthday on the day of his birthday. :P
Anyway, it's back to work now. My lunch hour is now over...and I still didn't pick up any food yet. lol
Hope everyone is having a super duper day! Oh yeah, 2 more workdays and then it's all about a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!!!! WOOOOOO!
Okay, am outta here. Talk laters.
Lainer :P
Oh wait.....
remember how I said nothing much happened...well, I lied... lol Here's a summary of what went down or what will go down:
- Saw Christina Aguilera and the Pussycat Dolls on March 14th!! Damnnnn, do the PCD look kinda "oldish" live in person! hehe
- Saw 300! What an awesome adrenaline rushy, beautifully shot film! Plot? What plot...did u see the way it's filmed? hehe
- Seeing John Mayer in concert at the end of the month!!!! Hopefully, Jessica Simpson won't be tagging along. :P
- Work contract extended till next March...huzzah! I'm now on temp-sal! lol 4 more months and I'll get dental!!! YES! :P