Saturday, September 24, 2005

The One About The Lawyer Wannabe

Ok, I'm in a class with this chick who's aspiring to be a lawyer (well, she's quick to point out that she's taking her LSAT soon so I'm sure that's the path she wants to take). Maybe it's cause she's blonde so she has to prove to others that she's not just another "you know what" but damn, is it just me or do overachievers get on your nerves?

I swear, the guy who sat next to me shook his head & said "Damn it!" as soon as he saw her walk into class. Ok, that's definitely not a good sign, right? No offense but sometimes you can tell whether someone is likeable or not through first impression and well, a red flag went up when I saw her. Hahahahaha

The reason I brought this up is cause we have papers on reserves for the class which can be checked out (2 hours max) for our review and stuff. Well, Ms. Lawyer Wannabe decides to check it out on Monday night and keep it till God knows when. Ok, so I may sound bitter but damn it, play by the rules. TWO HOURS DAMMIT! She'll probably get an A+ now. What can I do? World is filled with competitive people so I guess I'll just have to step you but I think my procrastination & laziness will stop that from happening. So, I'm just gonna be mediocre and aspire to get a B+ (but hopefully not cause I really want that A). Hahahahaha

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