Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The One With The Christmas Countdown

Yes! I have started the countdown. Actually, it started a couple of days ago but I haven't gotten around to blogging about it until now. Well, 26 days to go. Have you all got your Christmas shopping done? :-P

What would I like for Christmas? Hmm, that's an easy one - A JOB! :-P Well, I might as well tell you folks now (well, whoever's reading this). I went in for a job interview the other day (see the entry about me asking you guys to wish me good luck) and well, I don't think I got the job. Oh well, I guess I have to keep looking. Maybe I will try harder after finals (Dec 12-14th). Oh yeah, if there really is a Santa, I wouldn't mind a new TV too. :-) And an iPOD, a laptop, a new DVD player, my tuition paid off for the next 2 years, and lots and lots of money given to me by some long lost relative. Okay, maybe money won't buy me happiness but it would sure be nice to bling it up every now and then. ;-P

Oh yes, it's confirmed - Canadians are going to the poll on January 23, 2006. For more information, check out http://www.cbc.ca/canadavotes/

Nothing else is new. Still busy with my classes. Had an interesting chat with one of my professor. It was quite uplifting and encouraging. Thanks Trevor.

Need to kill 2 hours before I leave for classes. Toodles!

Monday, November 28, 2005

The One With The Fall Of The Liberal Government

Final Score: 171 YES - 133 NO (No-Confidence Vote Passed)

Thanks to the opposition parties banding together, the Liberal government (led by Paul Martin) is no longer. Looks like there will be a winter election (according to what's being said by media analysts, it could be January 23rd, 2006).

I don't know why everyone just can't get along. :-P It has to be one extreme (Conservatives) vs. another (Liberal). I'm not going to group the NDP or Bloc Québécois. :-P I really hope Stephen Harper and his Conservative party lose more seats because of this call for non-confidence. :-P

More info about this can be found on the CBC website.

And if you want to know why there's such a "caffuffle", all paths lead to the Gomery Commission.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The One With The Horror Flicks

For some WEIRD reason, San and I always seem to rent horror flicks and they always seem to be either Japanese, Chinese, or Korean (with subtitles, of course). Here's a list of what we've seen so far:

Audition - I seriously do not know why this film is critically acclaimed. :-P Definitely overrated.

Dark Water - Original & the Hollywood remake. I don't mind this film. The actresses playing the kid in both versions are so cute. :-) But I wouldn't categorized this as "horror" per say, maybe suspense/thriller? I'd recommend it. :-)

The Eye - Not as scary as expected but it wasn't too bad. I would recommend it if nothing else is available. Hehehehe!

The Grudge - Original & the Hollywood remake. Don't get me wrong - I love Buffy but I'm not too keen on Sarah Michelle Geller being cast in that film. :-P But I'd still recommend it. Some great scenes there to make you jump out of your seats. ;-)

Ring (I & II) & Ringu - Damn! Did this ever set the bar! I hate to say this but I could not walk past (definitely have to run ) a tv set for like a week. :-P Maybe the original version is more psychological but damn did the Hollywood version worked its magic on me. Btw, Ring II wasn't as good as the first one.

There are probably more but I can't think of them at the moment, especially not @ 4 in the morning. :-P So, the one we watched tonight was A Tale of Two Sisters. Ok, as I was telling Jackie, it's definitely not a NO-BRAINER kind of movie. Damn, do you ever need to use your brains for this one or you will be lost in the plot. I've check a few review sites and most of the people liked this and were willing to re-watch it 2-3 times to get the gist of it. Personally, I don't think I will so I cheated and looked up a synopsis of it to answer some questions I had after watching it. Once I got that, it seems like a pretty good film but damn, did they ever stretch out their moments of suspense. :-P Total running time was about 115 minutes. But I'd recommend it if you have time and brain power to tackle it. ;-)

Ok, think my energy drink is wearing off. Had a "Full Throttle" and well, I still prefer Sobe's Arush.

Oh yes, keep those fingers crossed for me still. Will reveal more once I know for sure. :-)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The One With Me Needing Luck

Wish me luck :-) More to come! :-)

Oh and a Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who stumbled onto this site and is from the States. :-)

Monday, November 21, 2005

The One With Me Wishing This Semester Is Over

I wish! I wish! I wish! Did I mention that I'm burnt out? :-S Anyway, to make it worst, I've registered for next semester already. Guess what? I'm going to try for 4 courses! So far, the schedule's looking at Tues, Thurs, and Saturday with Saturday being a full day. Of course, I may drop a course later cause nothing is really set in stone. Plus, this is all pending on whether I get a PT or FT job by January.

So, one project is completed!!!!! HOOOOOOORAAAAAAAYYYYYY! Now I just have to worry about the presentation for that one. Still got one more to finish off and two finals in the next 3 weeks and the semester is over! I know I've been wanting the semester to be done and over with but damn! it really did went by rather quick.

Because I woke up at the crack of dawn to finish up my part and pretty up the report, I missed Desperate Housewives last night. I fell asleep early. :-P But don't worry, I managed to find it online ;-) ;-) It's funny! I'm glad Felicity Huffman got the Emmy for Best Actress in a Comedy cause she is great in her role as Lynette. So, here's the funny clip of the week from Sunday's episode. :-) :-)

Hmm, this YouTube thing is fun. Everyone should join it and post stuff they want to share. :-) I'm gonna try to find that clip of Family Guy from last week (the one with Brian going back to college); that I said was SOOOOO politically incorrect but it was funny as hell. By the way, this week's Family Guy wasn't as funny but it was still good. Much better than The Simpsons. :-)

Update: "someone" tried to up the Family Guy clip onto YouTube but it was rejected. :-P So, "someone" decided to showcase it here. ;-)

Ok, gonna work on my next group report now. Have a super day! :-)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The One With The Video Professor

I was channel flipping cause I was taking a break from reading and compiling the group project's paper (which by the way is kinda frustrating :-P) and I saw these infomercials about the video professor. Basically they're instructions of how to operate your PC or Office products on disc. Anyway, my question, is it just me or does the guy who hawks these stuff look like Jack Layton (leader of the NDP)? Please tell me that I'm not the only one who notices this.

Hahahahahaha! Okay, I have to get back to work. :-P

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The One With John Mayer Trio

Have I ever mentioned that I love John Mayer???? Well, if I didn't then, I will now! Sure, he went the blues route and is now part of the John Mayer Trio but I still enjoy his music. Am currently listening to his "Try John Mayer Trio Live" album and it's so pretty. Christ! Did I just use that word? Hahahahah! Well, it's quite enjoyable. I wish he would come to this part of the world so I can go and watch his show.

If you want to give the album a try out, check here. Then check here if you decide to buy it. :-)

Oh yes, status of my group projects. 1/4 done! Before anyone shakes his/her head in dismay, it's HARD to summarize all the information I found about the project into a few pages, okay. :-P

Friday, November 18, 2005

The One With Amelie from Montmartre

Remember how I said that I was going to go into a deep sleep after Wednesday? Well, I had an EXCELLENT time :-P Didn't have to worry about group projects until now. Yes, it's 6 in the morning and after breakfast, I will have to get cracking on finishing up my portions. After that, it'll be to decide who has the pleasure of compiling everyone's two cents into a acceptable report. :-P

I was browsing through inethouse.net and found the Amelie soundtrack. If anyone is interested, the link is here. Ahh, it reminded me of how cute that movie was. It's too bad I was in France BEFORE the movie came out or I would have done what the globetrotter did and visited all the places in the movie. Lucky bugger! :-P

Ok, so was checking my Profile on Blogger.com and saw 73 profiles view. Hmm, is it just me or is that kinda weird? Hello to all 73 "people" who stumbled onto this blog. I don't really have much to offer here cause the links under "Loot & Plunder, & Etc" have more goodies available for "browsing" but I appreciate you coming by now and then to see what the hell I've been up to. Hehehehe! Anyway, feel free to leave a comment or two. :-) Toodles!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The One With Uberrimae Fidei

Ok, maybe I'm ignorant :-P but did you know that you have a duty to report to your insurance promptly when you receive any form of traffic violations? The insurance company does not need to hassle you for these information and they don't always check until it's time to renew your policy (which you hope).

BUT, by not notifying them of these traffic tickets, you could be driving without insurance (cause your policy could be invalid by not disclosing these details) and you don't even know it. What does that mean? That means you're royally screwed! If you are involved in an accident and you need to file a BIG CLAIM, you are out of luck cause your policy does not mean squat! Note that the insurance company will refund your premiums that you've paid but really, that's not what you're worried about when you're involved in an accident. Why is this the case? It's because when you are buying insurance policy, you are entering into a contract of UBERRIMAE FIDEI (utmost good faith). That means you have a duty to be TOTALLY HONEST!

So, what's the moral of the story? Try not to pull a Pinocchio when dealing with insurance companies. ;-) By the way, this applies to insurance of ALL genres (home, car, etc).

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The One With The -14 °C Weather

I hate wind chills! It's getting chillier with each passing day. Not much snow on the ground (thank GOD!) so the driving conditions are still a-okay. *knock on wood* Well, completed one exam so just one more to finish off tonight. Then I have to finish up my share of the group project for Sunday. But I think that after tonight, no wait - make that Wednesday night (cause I have a class on Wed), I will embark on a SLEEP-A-THON!!!!

That will leave me with Friday and Saturday to do what I need to do. Yes, that sounds like a good plan. *pats myself on the back* Hahahahaha! Okay, maybe I'm getting a bit delirious too.

Best "scientific" experiment I've read about in a LONG time. Hahahahaha!

What's the Ultimate Jell-O Shot?

Monday, November 14, 2005

The One With Me Getting Brain Cramps

I think I'm burnt out! I can cram anymore definitions, theories, and examples into my brain anymore. One exam down (in T-minus 1.5 hrs) and another one to go (in T-minus 25.5 hrs). Who's the idiot who decided on having 3 consecutive classes in a row? :-P

After tomorrow's exam, I still have 2 more group projects to write up. One's due next week and the other, in two weeks (phew!). Please note that I can pass the courses BUT I am aspiring to do better. I want that A (preferably nothing lower than a B-), damnit! :-P Please pray for me again! Hehehe! :-) In return, I will tell you the next winning lottery numbers. Let me channel my mojo first. Hahahaha!

Saw last night's Family Guy this morning (sue me, I needed a break :-P) and let me tell you something, it was HILARIOUS! There was this one scene that was definitely politically incorrect but it was so damn funny. I won't spoil it for whoever wants to watch it but PLEASE get a hold of the episode. :-) Here's a hint to where you can find the episode! ;-) Hehehehe!

Oh yes, a quick update. San & Kenzie's move went off without a hitch BUT it did take longer than expected and by the end of the night, I was exhausted. That and I was probably too worked up about the goddamn BAD drivers around the city. One bastard had the gull to slow down and go 10 under the speed limit on yellowhead after I honked at him for driving so damn slow. That bastard! Wait till it's my turn to not be in a hurry and I see that ass again! %^#$^#%$#!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The One With The Move

Ok, T-minus 2 hours before I depart to help San and Kenzie with their move. I think I have been bestowed the honour of transporting San's royal garments. Hahahahaha! Been drinking lots of coffee to stay awake at this ungodly hour (FYI 8:00 am is TOO early for a Saturday). I could take a nap but knowing me, I'll probably won't get up till 2 in the afternoon. Hehehehehe!

I should be catching up on my readings and studying but I decided to watch Serenity last night. It was actually pretty good. Maybe it's cause I went in with REALLY LOW expectation? Hehehe! Ok, it really is good. It could be funnier cause after all, it was written by Joss Whedon (all hail the creator of BTVS!) but I would definitely recommend watching it. :-) If you're naughty, here's a torrent link ;-)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The One With The Résumé

It is now 4 in the morning. I've been up all night since I got back from my Mgt. Law class and was revising my résumé. After much urging, and the fact that I am in need of some sweet, sweet cash, I have seriously, to quote Xzibit, pimped out my résumé (with major help from San ; THANKKKKKKKKK YOU!!!!! ;-)). I don't know if I'll land the job for which I'm tweaking it for but I figure it's about time to incorporate my educational background into it. If anyone cares, please pray that I will get a J-O-B before the end of the year. ;-)

I know I should be studying but I've been trying to figure out my timetable for the spring session since registration for courses starts on Monday. :-P I'm contemplating on whether or not to take 4 courses instead of my usual 3. I want to get all my required classes done and over with and hopefully, just cruise through my last semester with electives but at the moment, the schedule doesn't look promising. I might have to take a Saturday class too. What a load of bullcrap! :-P

Oh, I found something cool on inethouse.net yesterday. It's a neat little program called File Lister. Once installed, it integrates itself to your OS and lets you create txt or html files from contents in your file folder. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! Now you can easily document all your files, mp3s, programs you have on your PC with one mouse click. :-D

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The One With The Free Opera

No ads. Better browsing

Hmm, Opera is finally free. No more ads and licensing fee. I guess they've finally realized that with Mozilla's Firefox reaching 100,000,000+ downloads, Opera had to make some changes. I like the idea of moving away from the traditional Internet Explorer environment. :-) Now there will be more pressure put on Microsoft to put a better and safer browser into the market. :-) Ok, my geek quota has been reached.

Snow has finally hit the ground. Well, it's not too bad. Maybe less than .75 cm worth of it. But I guess it's enough for people to drive EXTREMELY slow. I admit, I shouldn't be speeding but I was running late so that's excusable, right? Hehehe :-P

Got this "anniversary" gift from my wireless service provider the other day. Let's see, I get a choice of redeeming one of the following 3 gifts: (a) One month of free unlimited local calling, (b) 6-month magazine subscription, or (c) A hands-free headset for my cellphone. I am contemplating between (a) and (c). Why don't I just choose (a) automatically? Well, the cheapass in me is saying, I won't be taking full advantage of (a) cause I don't even use up my current minutes now. :-P Who knows? Technically, I have until the end of the year to redeem it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The One With The Laksa

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! A lazy Sunday :-D Just the way I like it. No thoughts of class projects or exams for me today cause I'm just gonna relax. :-P

So yeah, had some homemade laksa today (sorry San but it was a last minute, aka like started making @ 7:30pm, kinda thing :-)). Even without making the soup from scratch (we cheated and used this; pic ripped from mum-mum), it's DAMN HARD WORK! I really rather pay $8 for a bowl of it from a restaurant. :-P But still, it's SO DELICIOUS! :-)

Just watching The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror special now. I don't know if it's just me but I prefer the OLDER episodes. But Homer is still funny so as long as that's consistent, I'm still gonna watch the show. :-)

I think that's all I will add for now. I'm going to get another bowl of laksa. Hehehehe! & finish watching The Simpsons, of course. :-)

I won't comment on The Simpsons Halloween episode but it's safe to say that they've lost their touch. :-P At the moment, I'm just uploading some random pics I took with my cellphone before I sleep the night away. :-) Hmm, I guess I can upload them to flickr.com since I'm a member there now. :-P Also added this neat little flickr "badge" on the bottom right panel of this blog. Yes, those are pictures that I took. :-P

Saw an episode from a new [adult swim] series, The Boondocks. It's ok but I think I prefer Stewie Griffin more. :-) Speaking of Stewie, here's the torrent for Sunday night's episode. Enjoy :-)