Monday, June 12, 2006

The One About The World Cup

It's a Sports Fan's Dream!!!! We've got the Stanley Cup Finals, NBA Finals, and of course, the biggest tournament of them all, The World Cup. I'm glued to the tube for the Stanley Cup cause well, it's obvious. :-P Don't really care much for the NBA Finals since Nash and the Phoenix Suns were booted by the Mavs. And well, wasn't planning on keeping tab on the World Cup until I joined the IAB World Cup pool. Random draw et voilà! I am now rooting for the Czech Republic (ranked 2nd by FIFA, just behind Brazil). GOOOOOOOOOO CZECHS!

School wise, I'm a week and a half away from finishing my first summer session. HOOOOORAY!!!!! Up next, another summer session. But this time, I switched from English Literature to Anthropology. Hehehehehe! That sound be exciting, hopefully. After 2 months of that, I get a whole week off (YIPPEEEEEEEEE! Yes, I'm being sarcastic) and I'll be diving head first into a full course load - 5 classes a week incl. Saturdays and with each class being 3 HOURS long! :-P I have 2 classes that are back to back so that's two 6-hour days. 0_o 0_o Yes, I may need to be committed cause I'm maddddddddddddddddddd!

Nothing to pimp today. No YouTube, No Mp3s, No Freebies. Well, maybe I'll add something later in the day. Cheeeerio!

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