Friday, March 31, 2006

The One About My Beef

I have a beef. It's with Dell. No, it's not about the product (my lappie :-D) nor is it about the service at this time (knock on wood) - it's about their promo department.

Eversince I got my lappie, I've been getting promos about their new products incl. their NEW PRODUCTS (DUAL CORE), FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS and UPGRADES. WTF!!!!! Why couldn't they pimp out these specials earlier, like before I JUST BOUGHT the laptop? >_< It's like they're teasing me - "Ha Ha! If you waited a couple more months, you could have gotten THIS, THIS, AND/OR THIS!" :-P

But I guess that's just how the world and economy works - ads/promos to create a need so that you would spend your money to buy the things that they are selling. If I was a hardcore shopaholic like Rebecca Bloomwood, I would be well and truly S.O.L. I don't know whether to be thankful or not but I've been there, done that, and moved on - aka learned my lesson. :-P

Anyway, that's my beef at the moment. Toodles!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The One With Summer School

It has been a hell of a week - sorted my registration (kinda) and it looks like I'll be heading to summer school. I don't even think that I went to summer school when I was in high school. Oh well, at least it will take some pressure off my fall courseload (actually, not really as I'm registered for 4 classes :-P). At this rate, it looks like I'll be graduating in next April. :-D

So, it looks like Le Globetrotteur has gotten the birthday gift. I know I said I wasn't going to rant anymore but he pressured me so here goes - WHY THE FUCK DOES IT COST $42 to ship a small parcel to Suisse? >_< Yes, it turns out the postage was twice the cost of the gift. :-P Stupid Canada Post! I even checked their website for a rate and it was estimated at $25 (max), which I expected but goddamnit, $42?!?!?!?!?! Next time, I'll just send cards with gift certificates or something. :-P At least that will only cost $2.00 to go overseas. :-P

What else is coming up? Hmm, Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend (yes, Spring Fwd therefore you'll be turning your clock an hour ahead :-P), Easter is approaching (yay, long weekend), and my finals are just around the corner. (BOOOOOOO!)

Monday, March 20, 2006

The One About Globetrotteur's L'anniversaire

Bonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn anniversaireeeeeee! Or is it Bonnnnnnnnnnnn Fête!!!!!! Hahaha!

Hope you're not too hung over cause I think you still have to head to class tomorrow. Hehehehehe!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The One About "Bling"ing The Blog

Found this new toy for the blog - see Think it's at the introductory product stage (even if it has been out since Oct 2005 :-P) and so far, so good. Looks like you can do some pretty cool things with it and the best part of it is that it's FREEEEEEE! (for now :-D) With product/service loyalty among internet users being ABYSMAL (okay, there may be some users who are truly loyal to the prod/serv and will stick it out with them even if they do have to pay), here's hoping that this service will stay FREE! :-D So far, I've upped 8 tunes :-D and 2 vids and 1 pic. Hahahahaha! Maybe I'll up more later. :-D

Anyway, the city was hit with a massive snowstorm (they predicted 15 cm but I think it was more like 30 or more) and driving around town has been PURE AGONY! Especially when the roads are filled with slooooooooow drivers - I know you're suppose to be careful but when ONE LONE CAR is slowing up everyone, that is not a good thing. :-P But I didn't do too bad on Saturday (had to head to class) cause I got there in 30 mins compared to the usual 15-20 mins - which isn't too bad considering the roads weren't cleared that early in the morning. Hehehehe! :-D

What's in store for me this week? Well, I have 2 group projects to finish off, register for fall classes (and possibly summer if I can get the class I want lol), sort out my RRSP/LLC, attempt to buy a share of Tim Horton (HAHAHAHA), pay bills, and procrastinate until my finals are a week away. Hahahahaha! Yes, old habits don't die. :-P Speaking of registration, it started on the 17th but I can't do mine until the 23rd. That is so annoying - it's supposed to be based on seniority but I've spoken to a few of my classmates who are nearly graduating (maybe 1 or 2 courses away) and they still have to register on the 23rd. I say it's a load of BULLLLLCRAP! :-P Okay, my rant is over. I'm going to go outside and cannonball into the big ass pile of snow in the backyard. Hahahahaha (Okay, not really but it would have been fun. :-D)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The One About The Good & The Bad

The Good:

- Visiting Donna and her newborn :-D That kid is cute but damn does he ever have explosive #2. Hahahahaha

- Finally watched Crash - I have to say that this is a pretty good film. :-D

- Chicken Vino Bianco @ The Olive Garden

The Bad:

- Watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I think it's a bad thing to have the audience rooting for Leatherface to shut Jessica Biel's character up. Hahahahahaha

- Having my mobile crapped out on me at the most inappropriate time :-P

- Forking out postage for a parcel to Suisee :-P (I would like to apologize for this one in advance if it seems petty but GODDAMN! I now understand why things are so expensive in Suisse. Hahahahahahahaha! Bloody transportation cost! And it caught me off guard too and I'm sure the people standing behind me were shocked. By boat or by air - est time to get there = 2 months vs. 2 weeks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

- Snow! Snow! Snow! :-P

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The One About Rolling Up The Rim

Well, it's that time again - Tim Horton's promotion of "Roll Up The Rim To Win". I don't know what it is but I don't think I'll ever tire of Tim Horton's coffee (esp. their "double double"). I must have had like (on average) one a day :-P and I still have yet to win the big prizes (suuuuuure maybe a few free coffee but I want the car, dammit!).

I don't know if it's a coincidence but the promotion coincides with Tim Horton's going public. Yes, you too can buy a piece of the company (the stock will be listed on the New York and Toronto Stock Exchanges under the symbol THI). However I think that it will be hard for the general public to get in on that piece of action as everyone seems to want in and there isn't a lot of shares made public. I should check and see if I can buy just ONNNNNNNE share of Tim Horton's. Maybe then I'd feel much prouder (like those employees in the Westjet commercials) that I'm a partial (ok, minuscule) owner of this Canadian (okay, it was bought out by Wendy's which is American :-P) corporation. Also, I would feel much better that the $ I'm forking out to buy all those coffee will eventually return to me as profits. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh well, I can dream, can't I? :-P

By the way, the double/double that I got today, I won BUPPPPPKISS! :-P There's always tomorrow. Hahaha!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The One About Catching Up

Okay, so I have been slacking with the blog entries lately. Between school and everyday chores, it's getting a tad hectic here. It's getting closer and closer to the end of another semester so I've got a lot on my plate (projects - individual & group, essays, exams, arghhhhhhhh). What I would give to be like the globetrotter for a week (or two) and just hop about in Europe. :-D

What's new? Uhm, managed to squeeze a few movies into my schedule - Lord of War (I like), Madagascar (Overhyped), Transporter 2 (Crap!) The Woodsman (I like), and Exorcism of Emily Rose (It's Okay).

Saw the video for this song on Muchmusic last month and decided to pimp it out, it's quite nice. :-D It's City and Colour's Save Your Scissors. Would you believe that the artist (Dallas Green) behind City and Colour is in the Canadian punk/hard rock band, Alexisonfire? I much prefer his solo project than the band's cause screaming and yelling at the microphone is NOT Music (see: Billy Talent :-P).

City and Colour - Save Your Scissors

Can't think of anything more to write about at the moment. :-P

Monday, March 06, 2006

The One About The Oscars

The Oscars just got a bit hipper! Three 6 Mafia's performance added some street creds to the Oscars this year. And Jon Stewart said it best, why are they the only ones who are so excited about getting the Oscars - everyone who wins should be that excited. :-D I doubt that this will be repeated next year (hope I'm wrong). Anyway, here are some highlights from the snootyfest. :-P

The Opening Monologue to the Oscars

George Clooney Winning

(NOTE: Turn down the volume before you watch this one)

Steve Carell & Will Ferrell Presenting Best Makeup

It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp

Winner of Best Song

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The One With The City Blanketed By Snow

Knee deep in snow! You know long it takes to shovel 15-20 cm of snow of the sidewalk of a corner lot???? ONE HOUR!!!!! Okay, maybe 45 minutes cause I ended up just making snow angels for the 15 minutes after the tedious task of snow shovelling was completed.

It was fun. I can honestly say that I haven't made a snow angel (proper one) in my life until now. :-D If it wasn't for fear of getting hypothermia from the wet clothes, I think I would continue to prance around the backyard (and maybe the front if no one was looking). Hahahahahaha! To be a kid again, eh! :-D

Typing this up on my lappie cause my desktop is on the fritz! Fan-freaking-tastic! I never have any luck with technology and I just bought that damn thing maybe 8 months ago? My sibling and I have diagnosed the problem to be the memory. It's not like I'm overclocking the system but for some reason - the memory is dying on me. GRRRR! Of course, the tech guy wanted me to bring it into the shop and I'm like, buddy, your freaking store is like 45 minutes away. Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated but it feels like it and I hate lugging the damn case cause it's bloody heavy and I have to worry about static and driving slowly (btw, I don't do slow :-P) and with the city blanketed by snow, I foresee a lot of SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW drivers. :-P

The One With The Commercial

This is the extended version of one of the funniest ad that I've seen in a while. :-D It's for Becel magarine's "Heart Health Makeover" promotion. Too bad I still don't like the product - I prefer Imperial. :-D