Knee deep in snow! You know long it takes to shovel 15-20 cm of snow of the sidewalk of a corner lot???? ONE HOUR!!!!! Okay, maybe 45 minutes cause I ended up just making snow angels for the 15 minutes after the tedious task of snow shovelling was completed.
It was fun. I can honestly say that I haven't made a snow angel (proper one) in my life until now. :-D If it wasn't for fear of getting hypothermia from the wet clothes, I think I would continue to prance around the backyard (and maybe the front if no one was looking). Hahahahahaha! To be a kid again, eh! :-D
Typing this up on my lappie cause my desktop is on the fritz! Fan-freaking-tastic! I never have any luck with technology and I just bought that damn thing maybe 8 months ago? My sibling and I have diagnosed the problem to be the memory. It's not like I'm overclocking the system but for some reason - the memory is dying on me. GRRRR! Of course, the tech guy wanted me to bring it into the shop and I'm like, buddy, your freaking store is like 45 minutes away. Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated but it feels like it and I hate lugging the damn case cause it's bloody heavy and I have to worry about static and driving slowly (btw, I don't do slow :-P) and with the city blanketed by snow, I foresee a lot of SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW drivers. :-P
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