Well, it's crunch time! I FINALLY finished my, actually it's MY WHOLE FAMILY'S, taxes. It took me about an hour for each family member. >_< I could have been: (a) watching the hockey game, (b) watching Veronica Mars (awesome show by the way), (c) doing absolutely sweet fuck all!!!!! but noooooo, I have to file taxes. Damn REVENUE CANADA!!!! (and their "NO WAY WILL YOU BE TALKING TO A REPRESENTATIVE UNLESS YOU WAIT ON THE PHONE FOR HOURSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS").
Anyway, if I did everyone's correctly then they should all be getting a refund (including moi but mine's miniscule compared to the rest of the family...then again, I did say IF I DID IT CORRECTLY). I guess you'll never know what you can claim as an expense unless you claim it. ;-)
This isn't really a mp3 blog cause Lord knows there are 834239873240237463 (this might not be an exact number) of them popping up all over the net (some ARE quite good - check out the links on the right ;-)) but I thought I'd try pimping out some tunes that are money related, given the situation. ;-)
Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (For those who haven't filed their taxes or owes Revenue Canada a SHITLOAD! Get it! HAHAHAHAHAHA)

Oh, before I forget - I saw Fun With Dick and Jane the other night and it was FUNNY! I've heard/read that the reviews for this film weren't favourable so I was a bit hesitant in committing 90 mins of my life to watch it. However, I was B-O-R-E-D that day so I just pop the DVD into my lappie and watched it...and I'm glad I did! :-D I laughed a lot! There was this one scene (hint: see above pic) that I laughed uncontrollably (much like the time Angela and I went to see Along Came Polly at the theatre and we laughed at the "SHARTED" scene for A LONNNNG TIME - think everyone in there was wondering WTF! are they laughing at?). :-D So, I would recommend this movie - though the ending was kinda "preachy"? :-P
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