I was trying to check and see if their music video has been leaked on the web (or YouTube) and nada. There is one but apparently it's not the "official" video, however the video is pretty cool (see below). Kudos to whoever made it. :-D
Oh, and this semester is almost over (just a few more weeks, including a week's break) and I'm off to summer school. :-P I'm going to spend the first half of my summer in a Project Management course and then the latter half in English Lit. :-P Hoooooorayyyyyy!!! Yes, I am being sarcastic. :-P
Stock update: I didn't end up getting any shares of the Tim Horton's stocks. Couldn't be asked to setup a personal broker account online and worry about all the fees and stuff associated with buying and selling and of course, maintaining (cause I have to do all that by myself). Yes, I'm a lazy bitch :-P Oh and unless Timmys adopt the use of wi-fi (free, of course) at all their locations, I refuse to buy any more coffee from them. Okay, who am I kidding? Hahahahahahahahaha! But seriously, the execs at Timmy's, wi-fi is not that expensive so think about it, okay? *doing the pinky and thumb hand gesture* Call me. ;-)
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