Anyway, I am trying really hard to stay awake. I've ran out of Sobe Arush and I am just sick of drinking coffee (only for the moment so don't get your panties all in a bunch :-P). I think I read somewhere that a jog around the block will do me some good and gives me some energy to keep me going but fuck that; I'm lazy & it's chilly outside. :-P So I'm just going to whine about things till it's time for me to go.

Whine #1 - The frequency of seeing a photo radar van parked on the side of the road (on 97st and before 118 Ave) this past week has increased. Luckily for me, I know NEVER to speed down that area cause it's alllllll about the trap. :-P
Whine #2 - Midterms that are worth 50% of my final mark. Don't get me wrong, I'm learning a lot in that class but 50%??? Talk about pressure. :-S
Whine #3 - The rising cost of EVERYTHING! I didn't know I'd have to use phrases that start with "I remember the time when it only cost me..." so soon.
Whine #4 - Running out of Sobe Arush! :-( On the note of E-Drinks, why isn't Bawls being sold everywhere? :-P
Whine #5 - Watching the clock, ticking away slowly, and hoping that time would hurry the fuck up so that I can start and finish my midterm quickly (while my brain is still retaining all that I've read), sit through the lecture after, and come home and sleep till the weekend!
Before anyone offers me cheese (get it! Hahaha! :-P), I'm out of here.
Oh, here's my "pretentious" music pick of the week (it's a torrent*). Frankly, I don't think it's pretentious if I really do like the music so there. :-P
Chris Botti - To Love Again
- Did I mention that I love Michael Bublé? :-) He's on the album too. :-)
To buy it, get onto ;-)
*What's a torrent? If you don't know, google.
1 comment:
holy product placements batman! hope sobe and bawls are paying u! hehe oh and urban barn too. thx again for the mug - i didn't end up bringing it (no room + luggage was overweight already) but i really do like it. my bro's visiting home next month and might visit me next year and do a cargo run for me then.. as for the rice cooker, the way things are shaping up so far i'd be better off just cooking pasta anyway. =)
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