It's much better than the other "energy drinks" available in the market. It has a citrusy tang to it. And I don't think it's as sweet but what do I know, I'm burnt out. :-P
Hmm, the labelling is different in the states (see below). I guess it's easier to package as ARush than it is to relabel everything and sell it as "poussée d'adrénaline" in Quebéc - thanks to Bill 101. :-P

Anyhow, I think I died on both my midterms. I just hope I pass cause damn, it was hard. :-P And I'm not looking forward to the last one. Though funny enough, I think I might be more prepared for that one than the others.
What did I learn this weekend? Well, MIS is not interesting. :-P I wish the lectures were more interactive rather than being all about listening to the prof talk for 3 hours (think a poorman's geektalk heaven). ;-) What else? I cannot read and comprehend 6 chapters from my HR textbook in less than 4 hrs.
By the way, do you find that it's easier to remember what you read in fiction lit than it is to remember what you read in text books? What's up with that? :-P
Ok, I've got some more readings to do as I'm also waiting for my group members to send me their portions of this good proj which is due at 6 pm tomorrow and I have to compile it all before then. :-S Did I mention that I'm not too fond of groupwork? People who say groupwork is a slacker's haven should be shot (again with a spitball or something cause I don't promote violence). I laugh at this as I think back on the junior high days. Hahaha!
Oh! A big shout out to the globetrotter who has finally landed in Geneva. Lucky bastard! :-P I hope you get all your stuff sorted before your classes start! Can't wait to see all the photos of your European adventures. :-)
hey i kno wat ur goin thru my midterms are goin on 2 so hang in there life gets better believe me. mine just did after a hoorible week
Thanks for the encouragement, anon. :-D I'm just waiting for it to be DONE & OVER! Then I can start worrying about my finals. Hahaha! Good luck on your exams too! :-D
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