Friday, December 16, 2005

The One With Me Aceing 2 of 3 Courses

TWO A-s!!!! Damn! Just got back from a meeting with one of my prof - got my results for Wed's final! Wooooo! 3rd highest mark in class! Mind you, the class only has like 15 people :-P but still! And it was one of the TOUGHEST CLASS I've had so far. Am glad that's done and over with. Now, just 13 more classes to go. 0_o

Update: Make that 2 "A-"s and 1 "B+" :-P Damn that B+ :-P

So, got Bastian and Julia's belated birthday gifts today! I thought that since I'm out anyways, might as well get that over with (even if Bastian's birthday party is tomorrow Hehehe)! I think they're pretty cool gifts considering that they're from a broke ass student on a limited budget. Hehehehe! What do you folks think? (See below)

Karate Studio Kit Ballerina Studio

Note that neither the karate outfit nor the ballerina's tutu are included in the "kit" but they do come with a 30 mins DVD teaching you the moves and stuff. :-)

Oh yes, remember that card & hat flash game from the previous entry. I managed to beat my old score. YEAH!!!!!! :-D

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