So yeah, had some homemade laksa today (sorry San but it was a last minute, aka like started making @ 7:30pm, kinda thing :-)). Even without making the soup from scratch (we cheated and used this; pic ripped from mum-mum), it's DAMN HARD WORK! I really rather pay $8 for a bowl of it from a restaurant. :-P But still, it's SO DELICIOUS! :-)

Just watching The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror special now. I don't know if it's just me but I prefer the OLDER episodes. But Homer is still funny so as long as that's consistent, I'm still gonna watch the show. :-)
I think that's all I will add for now. I'm going to get another bowl of laksa. Hehehehe! & finish watching The Simpsons, of course. :-)
I won't comment on The Simpsons Halloween episode but it's safe to say that they've lost their touch. :-P At the moment, I'm just uploading some random pics I took with my cellphone before I sleep the night away. :-) Hmm, I guess I can upload them to since I'm a member there now. :-P Also added this neat little flickr "badge" on the bottom right panel of this blog. Yes, those are pictures that I took. :-P
Saw an episode from a new [adult swim] series, The Boondocks. It's ok but I think I prefer Stewie Griffin more. :-) Speaking of Stewie, here's the torrent for Sunday night's episode. Enjoy :-)

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