Yes! I have started the countdown. Actually, it started a couple of days ago but I haven't gotten around to blogging about it until now. Well, 26 days to go. Have you all got your Christmas shopping done? :-P
What would I like for Christmas? Hmm, that's an easy one - A JOB! :-P Well, I might as well tell you folks now (well, whoever's reading this). I went in for a job interview the other day (see the entry about me asking you guys to wish me good luck) and well, I don't think I got the job. Oh well, I guess I have to keep looking. Maybe I will try harder after finals (Dec 12-14th). Oh yeah, if there really is a Santa, I wouldn't mind a new TV too. :-) And an iPOD, a laptop, a new DVD player, my tuition paid off for the next 2 years, and lots and lots of money given to me by some long lost relative. Okay, maybe money won't buy me happiness but it would sure be nice to bling it up every now and then. ;-P

Oh yes, it's confirmed - Canadians are going to the poll on January 23, 2006. For more information, check out http://www.cbc.ca/canadavotes/
Nothing else is new. Still busy with my classes. Had an interesting chat with one of my professor. It was quite uplifting and encouraging. Thanks Trevor.
Need to kill 2 hours before I leave for classes. Toodles!
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