Monday, November 14, 2005

The One With Me Getting Brain Cramps

I think I'm burnt out! I can cram anymore definitions, theories, and examples into my brain anymore. One exam down (in T-minus 1.5 hrs) and another one to go (in T-minus 25.5 hrs). Who's the idiot who decided on having 3 consecutive classes in a row? :-P

After tomorrow's exam, I still have 2 more group projects to write up. One's due next week and the other, in two weeks (phew!). Please note that I can pass the courses BUT I am aspiring to do better. I want that A (preferably nothing lower than a B-), damnit! :-P Please pray for me again! Hehehe! :-) In return, I will tell you the next winning lottery numbers. Let me channel my mojo first. Hahahaha!

Saw last night's Family Guy this morning (sue me, I needed a break :-P) and let me tell you something, it was HILARIOUS! There was this one scene that was definitely politically incorrect but it was so damn funny. I won't spoil it for whoever wants to watch it but PLEASE get a hold of the episode. :-) Here's a hint to where you can find the episode! ;-) Hehehehe!

Oh yes, a quick update. San & Kenzie's move went off without a hitch BUT it did take longer than expected and by the end of the night, I was exhausted. That and I was probably too worked up about the goddamn BAD drivers around the city. One bastard had the gull to slow down and go 10 under the speed limit on yellowhead after I honked at him for driving so damn slow. That bastard! Wait till it's my turn to not be in a hurry and I see that ass again! %^#$^#%$#!!!

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