Saturday, November 26, 2005

The One With The Horror Flicks

For some WEIRD reason, San and I always seem to rent horror flicks and they always seem to be either Japanese, Chinese, or Korean (with subtitles, of course). Here's a list of what we've seen so far:

Audition - I seriously do not know why this film is critically acclaimed. :-P Definitely overrated.

Dark Water - Original & the Hollywood remake. I don't mind this film. The actresses playing the kid in both versions are so cute. :-) But I wouldn't categorized this as "horror" per say, maybe suspense/thriller? I'd recommend it. :-)

The Eye - Not as scary as expected but it wasn't too bad. I would recommend it if nothing else is available. Hehehehe!

The Grudge - Original & the Hollywood remake. Don't get me wrong - I love Buffy but I'm not too keen on Sarah Michelle Geller being cast in that film. :-P But I'd still recommend it. Some great scenes there to make you jump out of your seats. ;-)

Ring (I & II) & Ringu - Damn! Did this ever set the bar! I hate to say this but I could not walk past (definitely have to run ) a tv set for like a week. :-P Maybe the original version is more psychological but damn did the Hollywood version worked its magic on me. Btw, Ring II wasn't as good as the first one.

There are probably more but I can't think of them at the moment, especially not @ 4 in the morning. :-P So, the one we watched tonight was A Tale of Two Sisters. Ok, as I was telling Jackie, it's definitely not a NO-BRAINER kind of movie. Damn, do you ever need to use your brains for this one or you will be lost in the plot. I've check a few review sites and most of the people liked this and were willing to re-watch it 2-3 times to get the gist of it. Personally, I don't think I will so I cheated and looked up a synopsis of it to answer some questions I had after watching it. Once I got that, it seems like a pretty good film but damn, did they ever stretch out their moments of suspense. :-P Total running time was about 115 minutes. But I'd recommend it if you have time and brain power to tackle it. ;-)

Ok, think my energy drink is wearing off. Had a "Full Throttle" and well, I still prefer Sobe's Arush.

Oh yes, keep those fingers crossed for me still. Will reveal more once I know for sure. :-)

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