Well, it looks like I've survived the holidays and with my liver still functioning :-D. But I think that's because I was hit with the cold bug so since I was still on meds, I didn't drink as much. Oh well, there's always next year. :-D
I believe that at this time, I should be reflecting on the past year and start making resolutions for the new year. Well, I'm not! :-P I hate making resolutions cause I never keep them anyway. They're like reminders of things that one tries to do but then having it fail miserably. I rather just do what I want when I want and if I accomplish something, well then HOOOOORAY for me! :-D
Okay, if you really want NY resolutions, here are some (courtesy of aha! jokes :-P)
Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year and yet you never keep them? Here are some resolutions that you can actually accomplish! Enjoy! :-)
10. Read less.
9. I want to gain weight. Put on at least 30 pounds.
8. Stop exercising. Waste of time.
7. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff.
6. Procrastinate more.
5. Drink. Drink some more.
4. Start being superstitious.
3. Spend more time at work.
2. Stop bringing lunch from home: I should eat out more.
and last but not least...
1. Take up a new habit: maybe smoking!
As for reflections, I think that 2005 has been pretty good to me (minus the job situation). I've become more determined and serious about my studies because, well, tuition is bloody expensive so I cannot be fucking around (not in the literal sense :-P) as much as I use to cause time and money is verrrrrrrrry limited. :-P
In terms of NY celebrations, didn't hit the clubs or anything cause not everyone was up for it and $35 to spend maybe 4 hrs @ a sweaty/stinky club which provides lame party favours and still having to pay for my own drinks is just not acceptable spending. :-P Instead, we all hung out at San's joint for a house party. Drinking, having tapas, singing and gaming. Yeah, it sounds nerdy/geeky but it was fun and we can drink as much as we could without being kicked out for being too intoxicated (though that didn't happen but it could and passing out on plush carpeting is better than hugging dirty toilets and passing out in a stinky club's washroom). FYI, the women's lavatories are pretty disgusting - you would think that women are cleaner and such but damn!, that is so a myth, especially at the clubs. :-P
Oh, a shoutout 2 the Jackster who's partying it up in Europe! Have I mentioned that I'm soooooooooooooooo jealous that you're conquering Europe. :-P Hahahahaha! I expect to see lots of pic posts of your druken escapades during the NY celebrations. Hehehe!
Anyway, here is my gift to you all for 2006 - good music! Hehehehe! Well, it's myyyyyy interpretation of good music. Remember when I was raving about the Fort Minor CD? Well, I'm still going to rave about it. Sure, sure - it's a major label (not indie, blah, blah, blah) but I think that this CD is AWESOME! :-D I can't stop listening to Track 5 (Where'd You Go? feat Holly Brook & Jonah Matranga)! I hope this will be the 2006's version of Eminem's Stan (if they ever release this as a single). :-D And I found a nice tune for Christmas too (I know it's a bit late but you can play it for next Christmas). It's by Mew (She Came Home For Christmas). It's quite pretty and different for the traditional Christmas songs. :-D And for a cool synth (not that crap heard in Malevolence :-P) feel, here's Ladytron's Seventeen. :-D

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