I must be losing some brain cells because after a good rest and nursing my stomach (aka detox with lots of water and nothing else), I woke up this morning thinking that it's MONDAY! Hahahaha! What the hell! So, if I blog about another night of drinking and other shenanigans, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee be kind enough to remind me of this experience so that I won't go overboard again. :-D
So, it looks to be another lazy Sunday cause some people are still recovering from Friday night and I have a group meeting with my fine arts classmate tonight. We have to think of an invention for the course. Easier said than done, I say. We had an initial meeting before and my ideas were silly, as usual. See - pants with air freshener (aka, if you fart, u press a button and the pants sprayed this mist of springtime freshness). Hahahahaha! I thought it was a cool idea. We'll see what else we can come up with later tonight. I wouldn't hold my breath on that pants idea. Hahahaha!
On another note, the 20th Olympic Winter Games will end tonight. Canada rockeeeeeeed with 24 medals in total - the best in Canadian history. :-D To think, if the Cdn Men didn't choke on the hockey game, we would have hauled 25 medals (the targeted goal by the Canadian Olympic Commitee). :-D All in all, the Cdn women got it done - just to prove that Canadian girls do rock! Hahahahaha! CBC's Olympic cartoonist, Charlie Teljeur, summed it up the best with the following illustration (hehehe):

Now, we're going into the 2010 Games in Vancouver with HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing cause what if we all choooooked! Oh well, the Cdn team now has 2 years to train and prepare for that. :-D
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