Wow, now that Elaine's given me access to this thing, I don't know what to write. Guess I'm more of a talker than a writer?
Anyhoo, Elaine invited me to write on this blog because I thought this looked way better than the Google Group she started up. Plus she thought it might be amusing to share my "rantings" with others and, boy, do I have stories!
But for now, thought I'd just try this out. I think I'm gonna chill and maybe take a nap. Writing is hard work.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The One About Guest Authors
Good morning (in 3 minutes lol)
Just gave access to a friend of mine who will pop in every now and then and rant (mostly) and rave (maybe lol) about stuff. Dunno if she'll come up with a pen name or what not lol but guess we'll all (including me) just have to wait and see.
Till then, hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I've been neglecting this sucker (and the MSN one too lol) but school's almost done for the semester and I will soon be on my Xmas break.
Talk to you all soon. :-)
Just gave access to a friend of mine who will pop in every now and then and rant (mostly) and rave (maybe lol) about stuff. Dunno if she'll come up with a pen name or what not lol but guess we'll all (including me) just have to wait and see.
Till then, hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I've been neglecting this sucker (and the MSN one too lol) but school's almost done for the semester and I will soon be on my Xmas break.
Talk to you all soon. :-)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The One About Roll Calls
Dear readers (whomever you may be cause I never know cause no one ever comments or maybe no one is even reading this? then in that case substiture readers with "whoever or no one")...
Yes, I am alive...barely. Work, school, and now WoW is doing a number on my time and sleeping habits. Yes, I actually admitted that I WoW. :-P I will blame my married friends for this - dang them all to Darkmines! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay, probably only people who play WoW will get that. Oh well, guess my sense of humour is taking a beating too.
So I was wondering (again), who actually reads this? Cause if they do, noooooo one is commenting :-P (evil eyes @ San lol)
Anyhooooo, still at AED...until December or till they run out of stuff for me to do. I am learning quite a bit about the tourism opportunities, events, and operators happening around the province. Some are quite quirky (the Vulcan Tourism and Trek Station) and some are quite unique (Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump). So the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is actually a World UNESCO Heritage Site so I was wondering if Snow Rice has checked that off his UNESCO list. ;-) Speaking of Snow Rice, man, I didn't think someone who's pursuing his Masters has sooooo much time to party the night away and living it up BIG JACKIE STYLE. lol Hope your grades aren't taking a hit - knowing you with your big brain, that probably won't happen. ;-)
Okay, I should get going - so much to do this weekend (finish a paper on grievances procedures in various collective agreements, study for a midterm, level up in WoW so I can keep up with the cool kids - HAHAHAHAHAHA, and pretty much catch up on everything else...). Hope you're all having a super dooper day, week, month,...year. lol
Oh yeah, I am getting "edumacated" in classical music or appreciate it more by going to two concerts next weekend. Yes, it's part of a class I'm taking :-P If Jackie was still in town, I would round him up to go with me but since he's living it up in Switzerland then I'll have to round up whoever's interested or remotely pretentious. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And I think I found the candidate - more details later. So will head to an ESO production "Italianissimo!" this coming Thursday and a Woodwind symphony at Convocation Hall next Sunday. :-D Oh yeah, in case it wasn't stated in my previous entries, I'm taking 3 classes a week while working full-time :-( Will bitch about it more when I have the time and energy. lol
Righty-o! Think that's all I have to report or am willing to share, or whatever cause I'm tired, am hungry, and I need some caffeine now. Toodle loo :-)
Your mentally and physically drained blogger :-P
Yes, I am alive...barely. Work, school, and now WoW is doing a number on my time and sleeping habits. Yes, I actually admitted that I WoW. :-P I will blame my married friends for this - dang them all to Darkmines! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay, probably only people who play WoW will get that. Oh well, guess my sense of humour is taking a beating too.
So I was wondering (again), who actually reads this? Cause if they do, noooooo one is commenting :-P (evil eyes @ San lol)
Anyhooooo, still at AED...until December or till they run out of stuff for me to do. I am learning quite a bit about the tourism opportunities, events, and operators happening around the province. Some are quite quirky (the Vulcan Tourism and Trek Station) and some are quite unique (Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump). So the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is actually a World UNESCO Heritage Site so I was wondering if Snow Rice has checked that off his UNESCO list. ;-) Speaking of Snow Rice, man, I didn't think someone who's pursuing his Masters has sooooo much time to party the night away and living it up BIG JACKIE STYLE. lol Hope your grades aren't taking a hit - knowing you with your big brain, that probably won't happen. ;-)
Okay, I should get going - so much to do this weekend (finish a paper on grievances procedures in various collective agreements, study for a midterm, level up in WoW so I can keep up with the cool kids - HAHAHAHAHAHA, and pretty much catch up on everything else...). Hope you're all having a super dooper day, week, month,...year. lol
Oh yeah, I am getting "edumacated" in classical music or appreciate it more by going to two concerts next weekend. Yes, it's part of a class I'm taking :-P If Jackie was still in town, I would round him up to go with me but since he's living it up in Switzerland then I'll have to round up whoever's interested or remotely pretentious. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And I think I found the candidate - more details later. So will head to an ESO production "Italianissimo!" this coming Thursday and a Woodwind symphony at Convocation Hall next Sunday. :-D Oh yeah, in case it wasn't stated in my previous entries, I'm taking 3 classes a week while working full-time :-( Will bitch about it more when I have the time and energy. lol
Righty-o! Think that's all I have to report or am willing to share, or whatever cause I'm tired, am hungry, and I need some caffeine now. Toodle loo :-)
Your mentally and physically drained blogger :-P
Monday, August 14, 2006
The One About, Well, Updates
Wow! A whole month or so without a post! What is going on? Well, lots. Been working at AED for the past month, going on two. For the past month, I was situated in a temporary work station (an office with a nice view) but now I'm at my "permanent" location, a shared "big ass cubicle" area with 3 other employees. I miss "my" office. It was nice and quiet. I'm sure my fellow colleagues are nice people but why the hell do they have to talk so damn loud? CHRIST! Given that my job requires me to be on the phone a lot, it might be nice to share a work area with people who KNOW how to control the volume.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to get used to it as I might be getting an extension (to December). Now the million dollar question is, "If I get an extension, should I take it and delay my plans to graduate next year (cause there's no way in hell that I can manage 5 courses and work full-time) or continue with my studies?" Hmmm, we have quite a predicament, innit?
What next? Oh yeah, I fell and hurt my knee last month so I've been hobbling about. What's the story? Well, you know where to find me if you wanna hear about it. :-P
And? Hmm, almost nearing the end of my summer session part deux. It has been an interesting class and once again, the textbook is a pile of crap. Why can't the profs just say, " don't need any texts cause you can just come to class, listen to the lectures, and take the notes from the slides?" cause that will suffice.
Anyway, got a term paper and a final next week. After that, am freeeeeeeee (temporarily). :-P

Oh well, I guess I'll have to get used to it as I might be getting an extension (to December). Now the million dollar question is, "If I get an extension, should I take it and delay my plans to graduate next year (cause there's no way in hell that I can manage 5 courses and work full-time) or continue with my studies?" Hmmm, we have quite a predicament, innit?
What next? Oh yeah, I fell and hurt my knee last month so I've been hobbling about. What's the story? Well, you know where to find me if you wanna hear about it. :-P
And? Hmm, almost nearing the end of my summer session part deux. It has been an interesting class and once again, the textbook is a pile of crap. Why can't the profs just say, " don't need any texts cause you can just come to class, listen to the lectures, and take the notes from the slides?" cause that will suffice.
Anyway, got a term paper and a final next week. After that, am freeeeeeeee (temporarily). :-P
Friday, July 07, 2006
The One About Being Back in the Rat Race

Ahhh, looks like my days of being a "student" is over, well for the next two months. I start my job at AED as a Tourism Officer (cool title and it'll defo look good on my résumé :-D) on Monday. Am excited and also nervous to get back into the rat race cause life as a student is pretty spiffy (if you don't count the lack of income).
Annnnnd, the weather (knock on wood) is becoming bearable - sunny and breezy! :-) Hmm, I hope there's no such thing as "too much of a good thing" cause I'm loving this. :-D So I'm gonna enjoy this weekend to the max - though that might be hard cause my party crew, well just San hahahahaha, is away this weekend for a friend's stagette. Maybe I'll just party it up by myself. Hahahaha. Nah, will probably just lounge around and lazy it up. Maybe read a few chapters of my Anthro textbook????
Oh yeah, Doris fwd. this to me and it's pretty interesting - definitely not "magic" but it's still fun. I guess mathematics can be fun, sometimes. :-P
1. Key in to your calculator the first 3 digits of your phone number, not your area code
2. Multiply by 80
3. Add 1
4. Multiply by 250
5. Add the last 4 digits of your telephone number (eg. if your last 4 digits is 4321, add 4321)
6. Add the last 4 digits of your telephone number again
7. Subtract 250
8. Lastly, divide 2
Is it your phone number ???
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The One About Heaaaaatwaves
Alright, thanks to global warming, it has been a HELL OF A WEEK in the city. Or is it two weeks. Whatever the case, the temp. ranges from 27°C - 33°C for the past couple of weeks and it really does feel like the city is HOTTER THAN HELL!!!!
It was a BLAZING 33°C today (though it feels like 40+) and I started my Linguistic Anthro class. I was sure that I could chill out in an a/c campus/building butttttttt (I should have know cause it's just my luck) the damn a/c broke down on our floor and when the maintenance guy came around to "fix" it, the situation went from bad to worse as it felt like the vents were blowing HOT AIR into the classroom. Just great! :-P It felt like a freaking sauna! On the bright side, all the sweating could lead to me shedding a few pounds. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :-P Anyway, hope everything would be back to normal next week. By the way, it looks like this Anthro class will not be a cakewalk. But, I rather do one term paper than 3-4 book analysis (as I would have been doing if I stayed with the English Lit class).
Speaking of next week, I managed to get a job for the next two months. It's a contract position for AED so hopefully, this will lead to bigger/better opportunities in the future. If not, oh well, at least I can use the $$$ for next semester's tuitions. If she's reading this, a big thanks goes to "C" for hooking me up. I owe ya lunch - but just a happy meal for now cause I haven't got paid yet. Hahahahahaha! JK JK A proper lunch is definitely on me, when you are able to pry yourself away from all your meetings ;-)
I'm getting sleepy - still have a few emails that need replying but will get to them tomorrow or something.
Oh yeah, I had a background/criminal record check done today. It's necessary for AED (and I guess for all gov't positions) and I'm happy to report that I'm CLEAN! Hahahahahaha! Though I was nervous cause what if I had a warrant out on me for something that I'm totally not aware of?????
It was a BLAZING 33°C today (though it feels like 40+) and I started my Linguistic Anthro class. I was sure that I could chill out in an a/c campus/building butttttttt (I should have know cause it's just my luck) the damn a/c broke down on our floor and when the maintenance guy came around to "fix" it, the situation went from bad to worse as it felt like the vents were blowing HOT AIR into the classroom. Just great! :-P It felt like a freaking sauna! On the bright side, all the sweating could lead to me shedding a few pounds. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :-P Anyway, hope everything would be back to normal next week. By the way, it looks like this Anthro class will not be a cakewalk. But, I rather do one term paper than 3-4 book analysis (as I would have been doing if I stayed with the English Lit class).
Speaking of next week, I managed to get a job for the next two months. It's a contract position for AED so hopefully, this will lead to bigger/better opportunities in the future. If not, oh well, at least I can use the $$$ for next semester's tuitions. If she's reading this, a big thanks goes to "C" for hooking me up. I owe ya lunch - but just a happy meal for now cause I haven't got paid yet. Hahahahahaha! JK JK A proper lunch is definitely on me, when you are able to pry yourself away from all your meetings ;-)
I'm getting sleepy - still have a few emails that need replying but will get to them tomorrow or something.
Oh yeah, I had a background/criminal record check done today. It's necessary for AED (and I guess for all gov't positions) and I'm happy to report that I'm CLEAN! Hahahahahaha! Though I was nervous cause what if I had a warrant out on me for something that I'm totally not aware of?????
Thursday, June 22, 2006
The One About Bad Luck? Or Is It NO LUCK?
Crikey! First, the Oilers lost, then I lost my debit card, and now my team (the Czechs) in the World Cup pool is eliminated from the tournament. Dammit! What's next? I'm going to crash and burn on my final tonight? I can see it now! CHRIST! At times like these I really wished that I was religious so I can pray for some miracle. Hehehehe! That or studied earlier but alas, procrastination is such a HARD HABIT TO BREAK! Hmm, I could break into a song right now. Is that by Chicago? Or Journey? Oh well. :-P
That's it. Read 6 chapters and have 6 more to go! Geez, I hope I can retain all the info. :-P Where's a buddha belly for me to rub on when I need MASSIVE luck (good ones, of course) the most? Hahaha.
EDIT: I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Well, for a week and a half anyway. To celebrate this short yet momentus occasion, here are a some tunes. :-D
Soup Dragons - I'm Free (to do what I want, any old timeeeeeeee) Come on, I know you remember this song! :-P
Luke Doucet - Free
Matt White Band - Makes Me Happy
Ivy - Feel So Free
That's it. Read 6 chapters and have 6 more to go! Geez, I hope I can retain all the info. :-P Where's a buddha belly for me to rub on when I need MASSIVE luck (good ones, of course) the most? Hahaha.
EDIT: I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Well, for a week and a half anyway. To celebrate this short yet momentus occasion, here are a some tunes. :-D
Soup Dragons - I'm Free (to do what I want, any old timeeeeeeee) Come on, I know you remember this song! :-P
Luke Doucet - Free
Matt White Band - Makes Me Happy
Ivy - Feel So Free
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The One About Me Being A Complete Dumbass
Okay, so I decided to finally get cracking on my studying (yes, it is the day or night before the final :-P). To help me get through it all, I drove down to Tim Hortons to pick up a cup of coffee and danish. As I was waiting at the drive-thru (yes, I'm that lazy :-P), I took out my debit card and for some dumbass reason, I decided to tap it along the car door's window opening and poof, it's gone. My debit card is now trapppppppppped inside my car door. So now I have to sacrifice a couple of hours and head down to the bank tomorrow in order to get a new temporary debit card. >_< Yes, yes, I know...I'm a dumbass. :-P
Luckily, I had enough change in the car to pay for my order or else I would have been well and truly fucked! :-P
Luckily, I had enough change in the car to pay for my order or else I would have been well and truly fucked! :-P
Monday, June 19, 2006
The One About Ups and Downs
First off (this is the DOWN part of the entry), BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! to the Carolina Hurricanes for winning the Stanley Cup. :-P Suuuuuuure, they may have a hot goalie in Cam Ward but I was really rooting for the Oilers cause well, they were the underdogs and goddammit, "Smythy" lost 3 front teeth during their playoff run and that's got to account for something. :-P Oh well, there's always next year! :-D Whatever the case, the city should be damn proud of their team! :-D
Secondly, the MOST BORING CLASS I've ever taken in my academic life will be COMPLETED on Thursday!!!!!!! Yes, this is the UPS part of this entry! Christ! I can't wait to just get it over with and move on to my next summer session, Anthropology!!! Even though I constantly bitch about it, I guess it's good to add onto the résumé that I've been introduced and "taught" the principles of Proj Mgmt eventhough the instructor has hinted numerous times that it's ALLLLLLLLLLLLL a matter of luck when making decisions re: projects. I mean, WTF! I paid $600 (incl $150 for the fucking textbook that he suggested for the course yet he himself hasn't read it :-S)! Too bad he's a nice guy so I can't get TOOOOOOOOO mad at him. :-P
Okay so that's all I have to rant and rave about. Oh yeah, whyyyyyyy did I head down to Second Cup to get myself a HOT GREEN TEA LATTE (which is delicious btw but that's not the point) when it's bloody 28 degrees celcius outside?!?!?! >_< I'm such a nutter!
On that note, here's today's samples of tunes (remember, if you like 'em then buy 'em :-P) that I would be listening to on my ipod/mp3 player if I had one :-P
Josh Kelley - Opposite of Me
(Visit Artist's Site)
The Feeling - Fill My Little World (Am loving this band!!! :-D)
(Visit Artist's Site)
The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes
(Visit Artist's Site)
Secondly, the MOST BORING CLASS I've ever taken in my academic life will be COMPLETED on Thursday!!!!!!! Yes, this is the UPS part of this entry! Christ! I can't wait to just get it over with and move on to my next summer session, Anthropology!!! Even though I constantly bitch about it, I guess it's good to add onto the résumé that I've been introduced and "taught" the principles of Proj Mgmt eventhough the instructor has hinted numerous times that it's ALLLLLLLLLLLLL a matter of luck when making decisions re: projects. I mean, WTF! I paid $600 (incl $150 for the fucking textbook that he suggested for the course yet he himself hasn't read it :-S)! Too bad he's a nice guy so I can't get TOOOOOOOOO mad at him. :-P
Okay so that's all I have to rant and rave about. Oh yeah, whyyyyyyy did I head down to Second Cup to get myself a HOT GREEN TEA LATTE (which is delicious btw but that's not the point) when it's bloody 28 degrees celcius outside?!?!?! >_< I'm such a nutter!
On that note, here's today's samples of tunes (remember, if you like 'em then buy 'em :-P) that I would be listening to on my ipod/mp3 player if I had one :-P
Josh Kelley - Opposite of Me
(Visit Artist's Site)
The Feeling - Fill My Little World (Am loving this band!!! :-D)
(Visit Artist's Site)
The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes
(Visit Artist's Site)
Sunday, June 18, 2006
The One About Father's Day
Happy Big Poppa Day!!
Hmm, there isn't really much hype about Father's Day, is it? Maybe Chris Rock is right about Mother's Day vs. Father's Day.
Hopefully it's not and you folks are spending Pop's Day with a BBQ, in front of the television watching sports (or whatever), and just plain ol' bonding. :-) Speaking of TV, Hard Gay suggests saying "Thank you" to your dad. Go ahead, say "I love you" and/or hug your dad (or high-5 them if you're like all traditional asians and are not fond of hugging and expressing emotions and stuff). Hahaha!
Friday, June 16, 2006
The One About The Samples
Okay, so I may be a little late but here they are - songs that I would be playing on my mp3 player (if I owned one :-P):
Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On
Visit artist's website
Editors - Munich
Vist artist's site
Electric President - Insomnia
Visit artist's site
Michelle Featherstone - Sweet Baby (or is it Sweet Sweet Baby?)
Visit artist's site
Hahahahaha! I love David Spade! :-D Anyway, that's it for now. Wish me luck on my final. :-P
Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On
Visit artist's website
Editors - Munich
Vist artist's site
Electric President - Insomnia
Visit artist's site
Michelle Featherstone - Sweet Baby (or is it Sweet Sweet Baby?)
Visit artist's site
YouTube Find of the Day: The Showbiz Show's segment - "There I Said It"
Hahahahaha! I love David Spade! :-D Anyway, that's it for now. Wish me luck on my final. :-P
Monday, June 12, 2006
The One About The World Cup
It's a Sports Fan's Dream!!!! We've got the Stanley Cup Finals, NBA Finals, and of course, the biggest tournament of them all, The World Cup. I'm glued to the tube for the Stanley Cup cause well, it's obvious. :-P Don't really care much for the NBA Finals since Nash and the Phoenix Suns were booted by the Mavs. And well, wasn't planning on keeping tab on the World Cup until I joined the IAB World Cup pool. Random draw et voilà! I am now rooting for the Czech Republic (ranked 2nd by FIFA, just behind Brazil). GOOOOOOOOOO CZECHS!
School wise, I'm a week and a half away from finishing my first summer session. HOOOOORAY!!!!! Up next, another summer session. But this time, I switched from English Literature to Anthropology. Hehehehehe! That sound be exciting, hopefully. After 2 months of that, I get a whole week off (YIPPEEEEEEEEE! Yes, I'm being sarcastic) and I'll be diving head first into a full course load - 5 classes a week incl. Saturdays and with each class being 3 HOURS long! :-P I have 2 classes that are back to back so that's two 6-hour days. 0_o 0_o Yes, I may need to be committed cause I'm maddddddddddddddddddd!
Nothing to pimp today. No YouTube, No Mp3s, No Freebies. Well, maybe I'll add something later in the day. Cheeeerio!
School wise, I'm a week and a half away from finishing my first summer session. HOOOOORAY!!!!! Up next, another summer session. But this time, I switched from English Literature to Anthropology. Hehehehehe! That sound be exciting, hopefully. After 2 months of that, I get a whole week off (YIPPEEEEEEEEE! Yes, I'm being sarcastic) and I'll be diving head first into a full course load - 5 classes a week incl. Saturdays and with each class being 3 HOURS long! :-P I have 2 classes that are back to back so that's two 6-hour days. 0_o 0_o Yes, I may need to be committed cause I'm maddddddddddddddddddd!
Nothing to pimp today. No YouTube, No Mp3s, No Freebies. Well, maybe I'll add something later in the day. Cheeeerio!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
The One About Blog Neglection
Well, how many days has it been since I last wrote about gibberish (or is it jibberish?) on this here blog? A damn long time, eh? Okay, before this baby files files a complaint to social services, here's something to read.
A shout out to "Steven S" who emailed me about Storm Newton (who now, apparently, has his own MySpace site). :-P Don't get me started about MySpace. So, I tried to reply to your email but it kept bouncing back to me. Anyway, replied via YouSendIt so ;-) ;-). Hahahaha!
Also, another shoutout to le voyageur du monde who recently trotted to Amsterdam. I was gonna say lucky bastard but apparently mother nature decided to rain all over his parade. Oh well, I reckon he will get more opportunities to travel back when it's nice and sunny. :-) By the way, greattttt pics (re: your travel). I'm still jealous so I'll retract my prior statement and sayyyyyy "Lucky Bastard!" Hehehehe!
What else? Summer school is a bitch. Eventhough the prof is a nice guy, I don't know if I'm learning anything from him. I can only take sooooooo much when it comes to listening to him READ OFF HIS LECTURE SLIDES WORD FOR WORD for 3 hours a day. >_< But I have to tough it out cause I need the class for my credit if I intend to finish off my degree by April. :-P I should have taken something easier. Oh well, lesson learned (I hope). By the way, I didn't do too well on my midterm butttttttttt luckily, he will scale the marks so I'll just breathe a sigh of relief. :-)
Oh, found something hilaaaaaaaarious on YouTube the other day. Yes, I know, enough with the YouTube promo. :-P Btw, the site even made the local news (imagine that!) when someone upped that infamous "O Canada" sing-a-long at a certain hockey game that I wasn't able to go to cause I'm a bloody broke ass student. :-P Okay, back to the hilarity.
Apparently, it's a segment from some Japanese TV Show. He tries to appear on the front cover of a Japanese TV Magazine (à la TV Guide???). Ahhhh, those Japanese and their wackiness. :-D
Finally, if I had an iPOD or any mp3 player (yes, sue me, I still don't own one :-P), these are the tunes that I would be listening to:
Augustana - Boston (Acoustic) (Artist's Site)
Jem - In My Place (Coldplay Cover - Live at BBC Live Lounge) (Artist's Site)
Regina Spektor - Fidelity (Artist's Site)
Remember kiddies, if you like it then buy it. ;-) Okay, have a great weekend everyone.
A shout out to "Steven S" who emailed me about Storm Newton (who now, apparently, has his own MySpace site). :-P Don't get me started about MySpace. So, I tried to reply to your email but it kept bouncing back to me. Anyway, replied via YouSendIt so ;-) ;-). Hahahaha!
Also, another shoutout to le voyageur du monde who recently trotted to Amsterdam. I was gonna say lucky bastard but apparently mother nature decided to rain all over his parade. Oh well, I reckon he will get more opportunities to travel back when it's nice and sunny. :-) By the way, greattttt pics (re: your travel). I'm still jealous so I'll retract my prior statement and sayyyyyy "Lucky Bastard!" Hehehehe!
What else? Summer school is a bitch. Eventhough the prof is a nice guy, I don't know if I'm learning anything from him. I can only take sooooooo much when it comes to listening to him READ OFF HIS LECTURE SLIDES WORD FOR WORD for 3 hours a day. >_< But I have to tough it out cause I need the class for my credit if I intend to finish off my degree by April. :-P I should have taken something easier. Oh well, lesson learned (I hope). By the way, I didn't do too well on my midterm butttttttttt luckily, he will scale the marks so I'll just breathe a sigh of relief. :-)
Oh, found something hilaaaaaaaarious on YouTube the other day. Yes, I know, enough with the YouTube promo. :-P Btw, the site even made the local news (imagine that!) when someone upped that infamous "O Canada" sing-a-long at a certain hockey game that I wasn't able to go to cause I'm a bloody broke ass student. :-P Okay, back to the hilarity.
Hard Gay - Television Print Magazine (Part 1)
Hard Gay - Television Print Magazine (Part 2)
Apparently, it's a segment from some Japanese TV Show. He tries to appear on the front cover of a Japanese TV Magazine (à la TV Guide???). Ahhhh, those Japanese and their wackiness. :-D
Finally, if I had an iPOD or any mp3 player (yes, sue me, I still don't own one :-P), these are the tunes that I would be listening to:
Augustana - Boston (Acoustic) (Artist's Site)
Jem - In My Place (Coldplay Cover - Live at BBC Live Lounge) (Artist's Site)
Regina Spektor - Fidelity (Artist's Site)
Remember kiddies, if you like it then buy it. ;-) Okay, have a great weekend everyone.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The One About TV Shows & Music

My ass will no longer be situated in front of the boob tube (or monitor ;-) rather) until the fall (hopefully). No longer will I be in the know about what's happening in Fox River, Neptune, Seattle Grace Hospital, and soon Wisteria Lane and Orange County. Yes boys and girls, tis the season of finales.
Although I will miss my weekly dose of crazy shenanigans and wonderful storylines (well, except the OC cause that's just a guilty pleasure hehehe), the one thing that I will definitely miss the most is the MUSIC (well, except Prison Break cause there isn't really a lot of tune pimpage in that show). Through these shows, I've been introduced to artists who I would NEVER have heard of through the traditional music channels of music videos or the radios. So for that, I thank thee ye olde wise boob tube. I guess I will have to find new music from the excellent music blogs posted on the side. ;-) Anyway, I thought I'd do some "pimping" of my own today and let whoever stumbles onto this site sample some GOOOOOOOD music. :-) If the owners of these tunes want them off the site, just email me and I'll gladly obliged (eventhough I'm just helping to spread the good word ;-)).
Songs from The OC:
Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek
Rogue Wave - California
Pinback - Fortress
Songs from Grey's Anatomy:
Kate Havnevik - Nowhere Warm
Holidays On Ice - Here Comes Your Ride
Regina Spektor - On The Radio
So I have another class today. I'm contemplating on whether or not I should bring my lappie to it cause seriously, the class is DAMN BORING!!!!!!!! I'm sure the professor is nice and all but I think I've mentioned before that I could easily skip all classes and just read the lecture slides cause well, that's all he does so far. Hopefully I'm wrong and the class and his teaching style will get better...soon! :-P
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The One About Mother's Day
Go & Hug Your Mommy!!! :-)
Ahhhh, this video is classssic! I don't think moms should only be appreciated for just one "Hallmark pressured" day. Make everyday Mother's and Father's Day! Go on...say your "I Love You"s and "Thank Yous (for being the best Mom & Dad EVER)" and don't forget the hugs and kisses. Coming from an Asian family and all, it's like pulling teeth to be all loving and caring cause we're not like that. We know the love is there but showing it, that's another story. Well, there's always Hallmark. Hehehehe! Happy Momma's Day, Mom!!!! :-)
Other updates? Hmm, San hit the big 3-0! :-) Hehehehe, I'm sure she wants that advertised but oh well, not like anyone she knows reads this. Hehehehe. Pulled a great gag on her in regards to her birthday present from Doris and moi. Hehehe! I'm sure the instructor is very qualified as an engineer but damn, is he ever a dryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (see bland, boring, etc) educator. I did not pay $550 (not incl. parking and all that crap) to go to his class and listen to him READ WORD FOR WORD from his lecture slides. >_< I could skip all classes and just show up for exams but then again, I DID PAYYYYYYY for the class so I have to attend to get my $$$$'s worth. God, I'm crazy! :-P
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The One About Model Addiction
Okay, I am lame. I admit it, I loveeeeeee watching America's Next Top Model (ANTM). Damn you Tyra Banks! Actually, I'm not as bad as San cause she WOULD NOT leave the house on Wednesday nights cause of ANTM (well, that and House). I, on the other hand, tend to miss the episodes on the boobtube so I often resort to finding the episodes online; either via torrents or YouTube. And since I haven't done anything too exciting during my MINI summer holiday (no cash = no fun :-P, I will just write about tv shows that are keeping me entertained and occupied until school starts. I know...aren't you just envious of me? Yes, that was sarcasm. :-P

So, I'm going to say it (hopefully I won't jinx anything) - Danielle and Joanie will be the FINAL TWO competing for ANTM Cycle 5 (see above caps from ANTM website). My money is on Danielle to win and because I just said that, she's probably not going to win. :-( As for last night's episode, I was a weeeeeeeeee bit sad to see Furonda leave cause she was hilarious in the Thai dancing, well "dance off". I was hoping Jade would be booted before Furonda but Jade does provide the drama and we all know that we can't get enough of her butchering the English language (see below; screencaps from fourfour).

ANTM - best entertainment thatmoney bandwidth can buy. ;-) Oh before I forget, THE FLAMES LOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTT!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Jill Sobule - Supermodel
RuPaul - Supermodel (You Better Work)

So, I'm going to say it (hopefully I won't jinx anything) - Danielle and Joanie will be the FINAL TWO competing for ANTM Cycle 5 (see above caps from ANTM website). My money is on Danielle to win and because I just said that, she's probably not going to win. :-( As for last night's episode, I was a weeeeeeeeee bit sad to see Furonda leave cause she was hilarious in the Thai dancing, well "dance off". I was hoping Jade would be booted before Furonda but Jade does provide the drama and we all know that we can't get enough of her butchering the English language (see below; screencaps from fourfour).

ANTM - best entertainment that
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The One About Prison Break
How bloody brilliant was Monday's episode of Prison Break!!!!!!!!! I have to admit, I kinda tapered off in watching the show religiously after the first, maybe 5 episodes, but thankfully, I got back into it for the past few weeks. :-D I would up a clip of the episode (near the end with all the build up and the often overused, but still fitting, Massive Attack's Teardrop in the background) onto YouTube but I reckon they would delete it off theirserver and ban me or something and I can't risk that, I need my YouTube fix. Oh well, at least there are screencaps. :-D

If you can't wait until next Monday, you can get your spoilers at JustJared's or just google for them. ;-) Oh yes, can't leave without marketing the tunes. ;-)
Massive Attack - Teardrop
Jose Gonzalez - Teardrop (Live?)
So yeah, still enjoying my MINI summer break. Getting back into the grind of things next week - so not looking forward to it. But oh well, it's necessary if I plan on graduating next April. :-P So, who wants to come to my grad ceremony? I'll put you on the VIP list. Hahahahahahahaha!

If you can't wait until next Monday, you can get your spoilers at JustJared's or just google for them. ;-) Oh yes, can't leave without marketing the tunes. ;-)
Massive Attack - Teardrop
Jose Gonzalez - Teardrop (Live?)
So yeah, still enjoying my MINI summer break. Getting back into the grind of things next week - so not looking forward to it. But oh well, it's necessary if I plan on graduating next April. :-P So, who wants to come to my grad ceremony? I'll put you on the VIP list. Hahahahahahahaha!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
The One About "You Tubing"
One of the coolest find of late last year was YouTube. When they're not deleting videos because of the fear of getting sued, the site is DAMN FANTASTIC! I reckon that it won't be too long before a big corporation (if they haven't already) put down the $$$ and buy them out. Oh well, until then, I am taking advantage of watching all the stuff that people around the world seem to be uploading onto their server. I've uploaded a few but they pale in comparison to what other people have done. So, I'm gonna dedicate this post to all the cool stuff (well, mainly music videos that IIIIIII like so :-P) you can find on YouTube. :-D
Official Video for Gnarls Barkley's Crazy
Ben Kweller's Wasted and Ready
Weezer's Island in the Sun
The Perisher's Trouble Sleeping
Snow Patrol's You're All I Have
Faye Wong - Fantastic
(Asia's Pepsi Theme)
Karen Mok (莫文蔚) - Cloudy Day??? (陰天)
Hilarious Scene from Scrubs
(Props to SillyPipeDream for pimping it first on his site)
Chapelle Show - Grand Theft Auto Skit
Episode of Jem and the Holograms - Glitter & Gold
An Episode of Muppet Babies :-D
Episode of The Smurfs - Smurfing The Unicorn
Episode of The Real Ghostbusters - The Boogieman Cometh
Episode of Ding Dong (or Doraemon) in Cantonese :-D
Someone stoppppppppp me!!!!! I could keep going for a looooooong time cause the site's like google - you'll never know what you may get unless you search. Happy searching. ;-) Oh yeah, if you want to download the videos seen on YouTube or other video hosting sites, check out for the "How-To's".
Ben Kweller's Wasted and Ready
Weezer's Island in the Sun
The Perisher's Trouble Sleeping
Snow Patrol's You're All I Have
Faye Wong - Fantastic
(Asia's Pepsi Theme)
Karen Mok (莫文蔚) - Cloudy Day??? (陰天)
Hilarious Scene from Scrubs
(Props to SillyPipeDream for pimping it first on his site)
Chapelle Show - Grand Theft Auto Skit
Episode of Jem and the Holograms - Glitter & Gold
An Episode of Muppet Babies :-D
Episode of The Smurfs - Smurfing The Unicorn
Episode of The Real Ghostbusters - The Boogieman Cometh
Episode of Ding Dong (or Doraemon) in Cantonese :-D
Someone stoppppppppp me!!!!! I could keep going for a looooooong time cause the site's like google - you'll never know what you may get unless you search. Happy searching. ;-) Oh yeah, if you want to download the videos seen on YouTube or other video hosting sites, check out for the "How-To's".
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The One About Doing The Taxes

Well, it's crunch time! I FINALLY finished my, actually it's MY WHOLE FAMILY'S, taxes. It took me about an hour for each family member. >_< I could have been: (a) watching the hockey game, (b) watching Veronica Mars (awesome show by the way), (c) doing absolutely sweet fuck all!!!!! but noooooo, I have to file taxes. Damn REVENUE CANADA!!!! (and their "NO WAY WILL YOU BE TALKING TO A REPRESENTATIVE UNLESS YOU WAIT ON THE PHONE FOR HOURSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS").
Anyway, if I did everyone's correctly then they should all be getting a refund (including moi but mine's miniscule compared to the rest of the family...then again, I did say IF I DID IT CORRECTLY). I guess you'll never know what you can claim as an expense unless you claim it. ;-)
This isn't really a mp3 blog cause Lord knows there are 834239873240237463 (this might not be an exact number) of them popping up all over the net (some ARE quite good - check out the links on the right ;-)) but I thought I'd try pimping out some tunes that are money related, given the situation. ;-)
Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (For those who haven't filed their taxes or owes Revenue Canada a SHITLOAD! Get it! HAHAHAHAHAHA)

Oh, before I forget - I saw Fun With Dick and Jane the other night and it was FUNNY! I've heard/read that the reviews for this film weren't favourable so I was a bit hesitant in committing 90 mins of my life to watch it. However, I was B-O-R-E-D that day so I just pop the DVD into my lappie and watched it...and I'm glad I did! :-D I laughed a lot! There was this one scene (hint: see above pic) that I laughed uncontrollably (much like the time Angela and I went to see Along Came Polly at the theatre and we laughed at the "SHARTED" scene for A LONNNNG TIME - think everyone in there was wondering WTF! are they laughing at?). :-D So, I would recommend this movie - though the ending was kinda "preachy"? :-P
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The One About Two Movies & A Board Game
Finals week is officially over for me!!!!!!!!! And to celebrate, my friends and I went to the movies and played a board game. Yes, it's an exciting life I lead, eh? :-P Oh well, it's was fun. We went to see a "double" header: Silent Hill and American Dreamz.

Let's start with Silent Hill. I have to say that this movie (although a bit slow) did live up to the game, well, more so then Doom and Resident Evil. The movie captures the same eerieness from the game but overall, I wish it could have been scarier. However, this film has MORE GORE than Hostel (which by the way is WAYYYYYYYY HYPED UP for a piece of crap film - Tarantino must have been on crack when he pimped it out). Biggest surprise in the movie - well, it might not be a surprise to everyone else but I didn't know Sean Bean was in this flick. Overall, I give this a bearable/okay. :-)

Next, we saw American Dreamz, a satire about...well, the "American Dream", and this was funny! The characters in the film is SPOT ON with the. As you can tell (see pic), I am now a fan of OMER (played by Sam Golzari) and his "raised in the OC" cousins. Hell, I think the whole family is hilarious and cute. By the way, I didn't make up the catch was really something he used in the movie plus a few hand gestures. :-D :-D So run, don't walk to your local theatre and catch this nice little gem.

And finally, to cap off the fun-filled (and sleep deprived) day, we played The Settlers of Catan. I know, you're wondering, "What the fuck is that?" No? Well, I did cause when Kenzie suggested that we play the game the other day, I was like "What???" It's a game that belongs in the same genre as Risk but simpler and it's actually pretty fun. Apparently there's a MSN version (but you have to pay to play so screw that. However, if you're interested, you can check out the introduction of the game here:
Happy gaming! :-P

Let's start with Silent Hill. I have to say that this movie (although a bit slow) did live up to the game, well, more so then Doom and Resident Evil. The movie captures the same eerieness from the game but overall, I wish it could have been scarier. However, this film has MORE GORE than Hostel (which by the way is WAYYYYYYYY HYPED UP for a piece of crap film - Tarantino must have been on crack when he pimped it out). Biggest surprise in the movie - well, it might not be a surprise to everyone else but I didn't know Sean Bean was in this flick. Overall, I give this a bearable/okay. :-)

Next, we saw American Dreamz, a satire about...well, the "American Dream", and this was funny! The characters in the film is SPOT ON with the. As you can tell (see pic), I am now a fan of OMER (played by Sam Golzari) and his "raised in the OC" cousins. Hell, I think the whole family is hilarious and cute. By the way, I didn't make up the catch was really something he used in the movie plus a few hand gestures. :-D :-D So run, don't walk to your local theatre and catch this nice little gem.

And finally, to cap off the fun-filled (and sleep deprived) day, we played The Settlers of Catan. I know, you're wondering, "What the fuck is that?" No? Well, I did cause when Kenzie suggested that we play the game the other day, I was like "What???" It's a game that belongs in the same genre as Risk but simpler and it's actually pretty fun. Apparently there's a MSN version (but you have to pay to play so screw that. However, if you're interested, you can check out the introduction of the game here:
Happy gaming! :-P
Thursday, April 20, 2006
The One About Overconfidence
Well, two down and one more to go. :-P And I don't think I want to say too much about it now. Basically, I thought I was going to rock my Labour Relations much so that I didn't study too much for it. Boy, that was a mistake. Oh well, no one to blame but myself. Don't get me wrong, I passed the course but I was aspiring for a higher grade. Unfortunately, I didn't put enough effort into it - I know, you're wondering, "Well how the hell did she expect to get a better grade if she didn't put any effort?" Okay, I get it, stopppppp lecturing me. :-P
Oh well, like I said, two down and one to go (Sales Management, which by the way cannot be used as a credit towards my HR degree. >_<). As it stands, I have taken 3 courses which are counted as "extras". Apparently, I'm bloody rich!!! NOT! :-P
What else? Oh, I got an email from my Project Management instructor this afternoon. The course isn't starting until May 8th but I guess he wanted to give a brief intro to the course. So anyway, here's the 411:
Hello all,
They tell me that some students are very keen and like to do a bunch of work even before the session starts! I thought I would try out this e-mail function and check that it works.
My name is *NAME WITHHELD*. I have a Ph.D. in Engineering Management. I am a professional engineer and I work at a real job full time. I am teaching this course more out of a sense of civic duty than anything else. Almost all of my experience is with projects and "real" projects where the end result is a physical entity that you can kick and see and know that it works (as opposed to a computer system or a study).
I have not spent a lot of time developing the course in advance because there are two things I am considering. Project Management is all about dealing with people. People are not as predictable as numbers and inanimate objects. If you let someone choose between an apple and an orange, they may pick the orange because they like oranges better than apples. If you offer a banana and an apple, they may pick the apple over the banana. If you then offer this same person a banana and an orange, logic dictates that they will pick the orange because oranges are prefered over apples and apples are preferred over bananas. I hope you can see where I am heading where a person might choose the banana because they like bananas more than oranges, or even they might feel like having a banana that day.
So this course can be the cut and dry presentation of process and rules that has become the Project Management body of knowledge. This is the type of material that is easy to memorize and test and learn. For example it would test whether you learned the three main project constraints and to list them. If the course takes this direction, I will learn along with you, because the material may not necessarily be things that I encountered in my 15+ years experience in Project Management and not things that are particularly interesting to me.
The other way the course could go is to explore the types of people problems that need to be handled as a project manager. Develop an understanding of the nature of project management and project managers. Instead of learning a set of rules that you may or may not use, the second way this course could go is to develop an understanding of projects, which will be useful regardless of whether you manage projects or deal with people who do. I recently had a chat with a priest who is an ex-engineer, and he was involved with having the church renovated. He did not need to know the seven factors of whatever, but he did need to know how to
communicate with the construction contractor what exactly needed to be done.
So if you are keen and need to be working on this course even before it starts, you can think about which way you would like the course to go. We will spend some time on the first day discussing what exactly you students want out of this course. If the answer is you are taking the course for the credits you need to graduate and you need to take something, that is a totally acceptable answer.
Looks like it might be an interesting course - though that little note about civic duty kinda turned me off a bit. Anyway, I guess I should make more of an effort for this last course, even if it doesn't count towards my degree (but it does affect my GPA). Shhhhhhhhh...I'm studying.
Oh well, like I said, two down and one to go (Sales Management, which by the way cannot be used as a credit towards my HR degree. >_<). As it stands, I have taken 3 courses which are counted as "extras". Apparently, I'm bloody rich!!! NOT! :-P
What else? Oh, I got an email from my Project Management instructor this afternoon. The course isn't starting until May 8th but I guess he wanted to give a brief intro to the course. So anyway, here's the 411:
Hello all,
They tell me that some students are very keen and like to do a bunch of work even before the session starts! I thought I would try out this e-mail function and check that it works.
My name is *NAME WITHHELD*. I have a Ph.D. in Engineering Management. I am a professional engineer and I work at a real job full time. I am teaching this course more out of a sense of civic duty than anything else. Almost all of my experience is with projects and "real" projects where the end result is a physical entity that you can kick and see and know that it works (as opposed to a computer system or a study).
I have not spent a lot of time developing the course in advance because there are two things I am considering. Project Management is all about dealing with people. People are not as predictable as numbers and inanimate objects. If you let someone choose between an apple and an orange, they may pick the orange because they like oranges better than apples. If you offer a banana and an apple, they may pick the apple over the banana. If you then offer this same person a banana and an orange, logic dictates that they will pick the orange because oranges are prefered over apples and apples are preferred over bananas. I hope you can see where I am heading where a person might choose the banana because they like bananas more than oranges, or even they might feel like having a banana that day.
So this course can be the cut and dry presentation of process and rules that has become the Project Management body of knowledge. This is the type of material that is easy to memorize and test and learn. For example it would test whether you learned the three main project constraints and to list them. If the course takes this direction, I will learn along with you, because the material may not necessarily be things that I encountered in my 15+ years experience in Project Management and not things that are particularly interesting to me.
The other way the course could go is to explore the types of people problems that need to be handled as a project manager. Develop an understanding of the nature of project management and project managers. Instead of learning a set of rules that you may or may not use, the second way this course could go is to develop an understanding of projects, which will be useful regardless of whether you manage projects or deal with people who do. I recently had a chat with a priest who is an ex-engineer, and he was involved with having the church renovated. He did not need to know the seven factors of whatever, but he did need to know how to
communicate with the construction contractor what exactly needed to be done.
So if you are keen and need to be working on this course even before it starts, you can think about which way you would like the course to go. We will spend some time on the first day discussing what exactly you students want out of this course. If the answer is you are taking the course for the credits you need to graduate and you need to take something, that is a totally acceptable answer.
Looks like it might be an interesting course - though that little note about civic duty kinda turned me off a bit. Anyway, I guess I should make more of an effort for this last course, even if it doesn't count towards my degree (but it does affect my GPA). Shhhhhhhhh...I'm studying.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The One About Me Chomping On Sunflower Seeds At 1:30 in the Morning
Okay, I had a can of Arush before I went to write my Ethics final and now I cannot sleep. :-P So, I'm sitting here, surfing the net while I'm chomping on Spitz instead of preparing for my next final. Did I mention that being a procrastinator is such a bitch? Damn, it's like a disease and I want a cure, dammit! :-P
So, I managed to write up 14 pages!! yes, 14 pages (single spaced) in my Ethics' essay question-like final. I don't know how I did cause I don't think I had time to think too much as I just wrote sentence after sentence before my 2.5 hours time limit runs out. Hopefully the prof will be able to read my response cause when I'm under pressure, my handwriting is worse than a prescription written by a doctor.
Oh yeah, during the procrastination stage, I saw King Kong; visually pleasing but there doesn't seem to be much dialogue after the 1.5 hr mark of the 3-hour movie. This might explain why I fell asleep during the beginning of the movie. Hehehe! Anyway, one final down and two to go. :-D
So, I managed to write up 14 pages!! yes, 14 pages (single spaced) in my Ethics' essay question-like final. I don't know how I did cause I don't think I had time to think too much as I just wrote sentence after sentence before my 2.5 hours time limit runs out. Hopefully the prof will be able to read my response cause when I'm under pressure, my handwriting is worse than a prescription written by a doctor.
Oh yeah, during the procrastination stage, I saw King Kong; visually pleasing but there doesn't seem to be much dialogue after the 1.5 hr mark of the 3-hour movie. This might explain why I fell asleep during the beginning of the movie. Hehehe! Anyway, one final down and two to go. :-D
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The One About Procrastination Being My Downfall
Okay, I trrrrrrrrrrried to study for my finals but that's not going well. What did I end up doing instead? Well, here's the rundown:
* Went for coffee with San and I even brought my textbooks too but alas, we ended up playing Cribs (btw, I KICKED her ass hehehehe), chit-chatted with my cousin (who actually did do some studying of his own with his mate), and then capped off the night by watching Brokeback Mountain. Hahahahahahaha! I swoooore that I wasn't gonna watch it but it wasn't too bad - really is a typical love story. But Heath Ledger's character was damn annoying - always with the self-pity and selfishness (selfishness because I felt sorry for Michelle Williams' character; I mean 10+ years of lies). If Ang Lee thought that the Oscar for Best Picture was between Brokeback and Crash, then I'm glad Crash won. :-D
* Went for [s]Mexican[/s]...El Salvadorian food (at the shady neighbourhood where I used to work, and no, not that kinda work :-P) and it wasn't too bad but I find that the fried stuff on the menu taste a bit better than the non-fried ones. Hehehe! Funny thing we got back to the car and it had started already. San was digging in her purse to find her keys and I jokingly said, "You left it in the car, didn't you?", and followed that with "Wait, how did you start the car?" She replied with "My car starter" and then I looked through the windows and saw the car keys still in the ignition switch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She had left the car running throughout dinner - luckily for us, (a) it wasn't winter and (b) she had a spare key in her purse. PHEW! But that was toooooo funny not to be shared. Hahahahahahaha!
* Watched some more movies - (a) Flightplan - Was a dud, why in the hell did Jodie Foster agree to star in this flick. (b) 2046 - Visually, it was very, very pretty but it was kinda boring. As aforementioned by Jackie, maybe it gets better when you watch it a 2nd time? But I think I'll pass cause I can't waste another 129 minutes on it. :-P
* I also rented King Kong and damn, that's another 3 hours I have to set aside for that film. Maybe I'll watch it next week cause thanks to Blockbuster's no late fees (it's not really NO FEES - one should really read the fine prints ;-)). So, that leaves me with 3 more Oscar films that I need to catch up on - Capote, Munich, and Good Night and Good Luck (which is on PPV :-)).
So yeah, if I didn't do too well on my finals, I have Hollywood to blame - okay, maybe I can take a bit of the heat too. Hehehehe
* Went for coffee with San and I even brought my textbooks too but alas, we ended up playing Cribs (btw, I KICKED her ass hehehehe), chit-chatted with my cousin (who actually did do some studying of his own with his mate), and then capped off the night by watching Brokeback Mountain. Hahahahahahaha! I swoooore that I wasn't gonna watch it but it wasn't too bad - really is a typical love story. But Heath Ledger's character was damn annoying - always with the self-pity and selfishness (selfishness because I felt sorry for Michelle Williams' character; I mean 10+ years of lies). If Ang Lee thought that the Oscar for Best Picture was between Brokeback and Crash, then I'm glad Crash won. :-D
* Went for [s]Mexican[/s]...El Salvadorian food (at the shady neighbourhood where I used to work, and no, not that kinda work :-P) and it wasn't too bad but I find that the fried stuff on the menu taste a bit better than the non-fried ones. Hehehe! Funny thing we got back to the car and it had started already. San was digging in her purse to find her keys and I jokingly said, "You left it in the car, didn't you?", and followed that with "Wait, how did you start the car?" She replied with "My car starter" and then I looked through the windows and saw the car keys still in the ignition switch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She had left the car running throughout dinner - luckily for us, (a) it wasn't winter and (b) she had a spare key in her purse. PHEW! But that was toooooo funny not to be shared. Hahahahahahaha!
* Watched some more movies - (a) Flightplan - Was a dud, why in the hell did Jodie Foster agree to star in this flick. (b) 2046 - Visually, it was very, very pretty but it was kinda boring. As aforementioned by Jackie, maybe it gets better when you watch it a 2nd time? But I think I'll pass cause I can't waste another 129 minutes on it. :-P
* I also rented King Kong and damn, that's another 3 hours I have to set aside for that film. Maybe I'll watch it next week cause thanks to Blockbuster's no late fees (it's not really NO FEES - one should really read the fine prints ;-)). So, that leaves me with 3 more Oscar films that I need to catch up on - Capote, Munich, and Good Night and Good Luck (which is on PPV :-)).
So yeah, if I didn't do too well on my finals, I have Hollywood to blame - okay, maybe I can take a bit of the heat too. Hehehehe
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The One About Easter

To continue with the Easter talks, Le Chocolatier Suisse asked, "Why are "Easter Eggs" made out of chocolate?" Well, according to Wiki (no, it's not the end all or be all), the traditional eggs used were your regular old chicken eggs but it's now a "modern custom" to substiture them with ones made from chocolate and or plastic egg-shaped containers filled with sugary goodness. Okay, so that still doesn't answer why chocolate.
Well, in my opinion, I think that the good people in this capitalistic society decided one day to make more money out of this sacred holiday by substituting tradition with something new, something that they can make a profit. Some brilliant bastard probably yelled out, "CHOCOLATES!!!!!" - lets introduce choclates to the holiday and get the kids hooked on them and then they will yell and scream at their parents to buy them more and more of it during this holiday and soooooon, it will be a NEW tradition, associating chocolates with Easter and we will all be RICHER!!!!." So, how's that explaination? :-D
Anyway, before I come down from the sugar rush and be all depressed, I should state that I am going to have a FULL course load for the next two semesters. MON DIEU!!! Think Spring 2007 will be a killer cause I have two CORE courses that I need to balance in my schedule, along with all the other crap, sorry did I say crap - I meant FINE ARTS course, that I have to take. I predict a LOT of essays to write, group projects to do, maybe a few speeches and presentations but damn it, I'm striving to be in the Class of 2007. :-P You know how I always end with "Pray for me", well this time, try and include a few sacrificial items of some sort too if you can. Hahahahaha. Happy Easter everyone (or rather one - Jackie cause I don't know who else reads my blabberings) Hahahaha.
Things to do before the end of the month:
- study for finals
- do my taxes (incl. mi familia's)
- relax for a week before summer school starts
Monday, April 10, 2006
The One About Family "Get Togethers"
There is a reason why I detest family "get togethers" (big or small) - it's such a chore trying to set it up. :-P For example, the clan is trying to get together for dinner this week and even with just 10 people, I've had to phone the restaurant 4 times (1st time to make the reservation, 2nd time to change the # of people coming, 3rd to change the # of people coming again, #4 to change the date) to change the bloody reservations. As it stands, it will be postponed until after my finals which means phone call #5, to cancel the reservation. :-P I could move the reservation to a later date but I rather not, in case the restaurant takes notice of the # of changes made on their reservation book and decide to give us something extra in our dishes (see: Waiting). So, just to be safe (and make it more complicated cause that's the type of person I am and how I do things :-P), I'll get another reservation next week or something under my name (original was under the parent's Hahahaha) and phone number. Hahahahaha! So yes, 5 bloody calls in 2 days. :-P
Anyway, Monday is almost done and over with and that leaves me with just one week till I write my first of three finals. :-P Pray for me! :-D

Oh yeah, Easter is just around the corner too. You know what that means? Yes, lots and lots of chocolates would go on sale from now until the week after Easter. Hahahaha! I'm not a religious person so I don't really know much about Easter in details, other than it's a holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Maybe that's all I need to know? What got me wondering is why a bunny is associated with also associated with this holiday? Well, after much googling, the Easter bunny isn't just a marketing gimmick.
The Romans believed that all life proceeded from an egg, so the egg came to symbolize birth and rebirth. Christians regarded eggs as the seeds of life and attributed them with the symbol of Jesus' resurrection.
The rabbit was used in early Easter celebrations to symbolize fertility, perhaps because these animals give birth to multiple offspring at a time. Anglo-Saxon mythology says that Ostara changed her pet bird into a rabbit to entertain a group of children, and the rabbit laid brightly colored eggs for them.
Easter was once celebrated by giving colored eggs to children and later evolved to hiding them in the grass, where they had supposedly been laid by a hare. Children referred to this Easter mascot as the "Easter Hare," which later became known as the "Easter Bunny."
Anyway, Monday is almost done and over with and that leaves me with just one week till I write my first of three finals. :-P Pray for me! :-D

Oh yeah, Easter is just around the corner too. You know what that means? Yes, lots and lots of chocolates would go on sale from now until the week after Easter. Hahahaha! I'm not a religious person so I don't really know much about Easter in details, other than it's a holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Maybe that's all I need to know? What got me wondering is why a bunny is associated with also associated with this holiday? Well, after much googling, the Easter bunny isn't just a marketing gimmick.
The Romans believed that all life proceeded from an egg, so the egg came to symbolize birth and rebirth. Christians regarded eggs as the seeds of life and attributed them with the symbol of Jesus' resurrection.
The rabbit was used in early Easter celebrations to symbolize fertility, perhaps because these animals give birth to multiple offspring at a time. Anglo-Saxon mythology says that Ostara changed her pet bird into a rabbit to entertain a group of children, and the rabbit laid brightly colored eggs for them.
Easter was once celebrated by giving colored eggs to children and later evolved to hiding them in the grass, where they had supposedly been laid by a hare. Children referred to this Easter mascot as the "Easter Hare," which later became known as the "Easter Bunny."
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The One About Me Being Crazy (for Gnarls Barkley)

I was trying to check and see if their music video has been leaked on the web (or YouTube) and nada. There is one but apparently it's not the "official" video, however the video is pretty cool (see below). Kudos to whoever made it. :-D
Oh, and this semester is almost over (just a few more weeks, including a week's break) and I'm off to summer school. :-P I'm going to spend the first half of my summer in a Project Management course and then the latter half in English Lit. :-P Hoooooorayyyyyy!!! Yes, I am being sarcastic. :-P
Stock update: I didn't end up getting any shares of the Tim Horton's stocks. Couldn't be asked to setup a personal broker account online and worry about all the fees and stuff associated with buying and selling and of course, maintaining (cause I have to do all that by myself). Yes, I'm a lazy bitch :-P Oh and unless Timmys adopt the use of wi-fi (free, of course) at all their locations, I refuse to buy any more coffee from them. Okay, who am I kidding? Hahahahahahahahaha! But seriously, the execs at Timmy's, wi-fi is not that expensive so think about it, okay? *doing the pinky and thumb hand gesture* Call me. ;-)
Friday, March 31, 2006
The One About My Beef
I have a beef. It's with Dell. No, it's not about the product (my lappie :-D) nor is it about the service at this time (knock on wood) - it's about their promo department.

Eversince I got my lappie, I've been getting promos about their new products incl. their NEW PRODUCTS (DUAL CORE), FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS and UPGRADES. WTF!!!!! Why couldn't they pimp out these specials earlier, like before I JUST BOUGHT the laptop? >_< It's like they're teasing me - "Ha Ha! If you waited a couple more months, you could have gotten THIS, THIS, AND/OR THIS!" :-P
But I guess that's just how the world and economy works - ads/promos to create a need so that you would spend your money to buy the things that they are selling. If I was a hardcore shopaholic like Rebecca Bloomwood, I would be well and truly S.O.L. I don't know whether to be thankful or not but I've been there, done that, and moved on - aka learned my lesson. :-P
Anyway, that's my beef at the moment. Toodles!

Eversince I got my lappie, I've been getting promos about their new products incl. their NEW PRODUCTS (DUAL CORE), FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS and UPGRADES. WTF!!!!! Why couldn't they pimp out these specials earlier, like before I JUST BOUGHT the laptop? >_< It's like they're teasing me - "Ha Ha! If you waited a couple more months, you could have gotten THIS, THIS, AND/OR THIS!" :-P
But I guess that's just how the world and economy works - ads/promos to create a need so that you would spend your money to buy the things that they are selling. If I was a hardcore shopaholic like Rebecca Bloomwood, I would be well and truly S.O.L. I don't know whether to be thankful or not but I've been there, done that, and moved on - aka learned my lesson. :-P
Anyway, that's my beef at the moment. Toodles!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The One With Summer School
It has been a hell of a week - sorted my registration (kinda) and it looks like I'll be heading to summer school. I don't even think that I went to summer school when I was in high school. Oh well, at least it will take some pressure off my fall courseload (actually, not really as I'm registered for 4 classes :-P). At this rate, it looks like I'll be graduating in next April. :-D
So, it looks like Le Globetrotteur has gotten the birthday gift. I know I said I wasn't going to rant anymore but he pressured me so here goes - WHY THE FUCK DOES IT COST $42 to ship a small parcel to Suisse? >_< Yes, it turns out the postage was twice the cost of the gift. :-P Stupid Canada Post! I even checked their website for a rate and it was estimated at $25 (max), which I expected but goddamnit, $42?!?!?!?!?! Next time, I'll just send cards with gift certificates or something. :-P At least that will only cost $2.00 to go overseas. :-P
What else is coming up? Hmm, Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend (yes, Spring Fwd therefore you'll be turning your clock an hour ahead :-P), Easter is approaching (yay, long weekend), and my finals are just around the corner. (BOOOOOOO!)
So, it looks like Le Globetrotteur has gotten the birthday gift. I know I said I wasn't going to rant anymore but he pressured me so here goes - WHY THE FUCK DOES IT COST $42 to ship a small parcel to Suisse? >_< Yes, it turns out the postage was twice the cost of the gift. :-P Stupid Canada Post! I even checked their website for a rate and it was estimated at $25 (max), which I expected but goddamnit, $42?!?!?!?!?! Next time, I'll just send cards with gift certificates or something. :-P At least that will only cost $2.00 to go overseas. :-P
What else is coming up? Hmm, Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend (yes, Spring Fwd therefore you'll be turning your clock an hour ahead :-P), Easter is approaching (yay, long weekend), and my finals are just around the corner. (BOOOOOOO!)
Monday, March 20, 2006
The One About Globetrotteur's L'anniversaire

Bonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn anniversaireeeeeee! Or is it Bonnnnnnnnnnnn Fête!!!!!! Hahaha!
Hope you're not too hung over cause I think you still have to head to class tomorrow. Hehehehehe!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
The One About "Bling"ing The Blog
Found this new toy for the blog - see Think it's at the introductory product stage (even if it has been out since Oct 2005 :-P) and so far, so good. Looks like you can do some pretty cool things with it and the best part of it is that it's FREEEEEEE! (for now :-D) With product/service loyalty among internet users being ABYSMAL (okay, there may be some users who are truly loyal to the prod/serv and will stick it out with them even if they do have to pay), here's hoping that this service will stay FREE! :-D So far, I've upped 8 tunes :-D and 2 vids and 1 pic. Hahahahaha! Maybe I'll up more later. :-D
Anyway, the city was hit with a massive snowstorm (they predicted 15 cm but I think it was more like 30 or more) and driving around town has been PURE AGONY! Especially when the roads are filled with slooooooooow drivers - I know you're suppose to be careful but when ONE LONE CAR is slowing up everyone, that is not a good thing. :-P But I didn't do too bad on Saturday (had to head to class) cause I got there in 30 mins compared to the usual 15-20 mins - which isn't too bad considering the roads weren't cleared that early in the morning. Hehehehe! :-D
What's in store for me this week? Well, I have 2 group projects to finish off, register for fall classes (and possibly summer if I can get the class I want lol), sort out my RRSP/LLC, attempt to buy a share of Tim Horton (HAHAHAHA), pay bills, and procrastinate until my finals are a week away. Hahahahaha! Yes, old habits don't die. :-P Speaking of registration, it started on the 17th but I can't do mine until the 23rd. That is so annoying - it's supposed to be based on seniority but I've spoken to a few of my classmates who are nearly graduating (maybe 1 or 2 courses away) and they still have to register on the 23rd. I say it's a load of BULLLLLCRAP! :-P Okay, my rant is over. I'm going to go outside and cannonball into the big ass pile of snow in the backyard. Hahahahaha (Okay, not really but it would have been fun. :-D)
Anyway, the city was hit with a massive snowstorm (they predicted 15 cm but I think it was more like 30 or more) and driving around town has been PURE AGONY! Especially when the roads are filled with slooooooooow drivers - I know you're suppose to be careful but when ONE LONE CAR is slowing up everyone, that is not a good thing. :-P But I didn't do too bad on Saturday (had to head to class) cause I got there in 30 mins compared to the usual 15-20 mins - which isn't too bad considering the roads weren't cleared that early in the morning. Hehehehe! :-D
What's in store for me this week? Well, I have 2 group projects to finish off, register for fall classes (and possibly summer if I can get the class I want lol), sort out my RRSP/LLC, attempt to buy a share of Tim Horton (HAHAHAHA), pay bills, and procrastinate until my finals are a week away. Hahahahaha! Yes, old habits don't die. :-P Speaking of registration, it started on the 17th but I can't do mine until the 23rd. That is so annoying - it's supposed to be based on seniority but I've spoken to a few of my classmates who are nearly graduating (maybe 1 or 2 courses away) and they still have to register on the 23rd. I say it's a load of BULLLLLCRAP! :-P Okay, my rant is over. I'm going to go outside and cannonball into the big ass pile of snow in the backyard. Hahahahaha (Okay, not really but it would have been fun. :-D)
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The One About The Good & The Bad
The Good:
- Visiting Donna and her newborn :-D That kid is cute but damn does he ever have explosive #2. Hahahahaha
- Finally watched Crash - I have to say that this is a pretty good film. :-D
- Chicken Vino Bianco @ The Olive Garden
The Bad:
- Watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I think it's a bad thing to have the audience rooting for Leatherface to shut Jessica Biel's character up. Hahahahahaha
- Having my mobile crapped out on me at the most inappropriate time :-P
- Forking out postage for a parcel to Suisee :-P (I would like to apologize for this one in advance if it seems petty but GODDAMN! I now understand why things are so expensive in Suisse. Hahahahahahahaha! Bloody transportation cost! And it caught me off guard too and I'm sure the people standing behind me were shocked. By boat or by air - est time to get there = 2 months vs. 2 weeks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
- Snow! Snow! Snow! :-P
Thursday, March 16, 2006
The One About Rolling Up The Rim

Well, it's that time again - Tim Horton's promotion of "Roll Up The Rim To Win". I don't know what it is but I don't think I'll ever tire of Tim Horton's coffee (esp. their "double double"). I must have had like (on average) one a day :-P and I still have yet to win the big prizes (suuuuuure maybe a few free coffee but I want the car, dammit!).
I don't know if it's a coincidence but the promotion coincides with Tim Horton's going public. Yes, you too can buy a piece of the company (the stock will be listed on the New York and Toronto Stock Exchanges under the symbol THI). However I think that it will be hard for the general public to get in on that piece of action as everyone seems to want in and there isn't a lot of shares made public. I should check and see if I can buy just ONNNNNNNE share of Tim Horton's. Maybe then I'd feel much prouder (like those employees in the Westjet commercials) that I'm a partial (ok, minuscule) owner of this Canadian (okay, it was bought out by Wendy's which is American :-P) corporation. Also, I would feel much better that the $ I'm forking out to buy all those coffee will eventually return to me as profits. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh well, I can dream, can't I? :-P
By the way, the double/double that I got today, I won BUPPPPPKISS! :-P There's always tomorrow. Hahaha!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The One About Catching Up
Okay, so I have been slacking with the blog entries lately. Between school and everyday chores, it's getting a tad hectic here. It's getting closer and closer to the end of another semester so I've got a lot on my plate (projects - individual & group, essays, exams, arghhhhhhhh). What I would give to be like the globetrotter for a week (or two) and just hop about in Europe. :-D
What's new? Uhm, managed to squeeze a few movies into my schedule - Lord of War (I like), Madagascar (Overhyped), Transporter 2 (Crap!) The Woodsman (I like), and Exorcism of Emily Rose (It's Okay).
Saw the video for this song on Muchmusic last month and decided to pimp it out, it's quite nice. :-D It's City and Colour's Save Your Scissors. Would you believe that the artist (Dallas Green) behind City and Colour is in the Canadian punk/hard rock band, Alexisonfire? I much prefer his solo project than the band's cause screaming and yelling at the microphone is NOT Music (see: Billy Talent :-P).
City and Colour - Save Your Scissors
Can't think of anything more to write about at the moment. :-P
What's new? Uhm, managed to squeeze a few movies into my schedule - Lord of War (I like), Madagascar (Overhyped), Transporter 2 (Crap!) The Woodsman (I like), and Exorcism of Emily Rose (It's Okay).
Saw the video for this song on Muchmusic last month and decided to pimp it out, it's quite nice. :-D It's City and Colour's Save Your Scissors. Would you believe that the artist (Dallas Green) behind City and Colour is in the Canadian punk/hard rock band, Alexisonfire? I much prefer his solo project than the band's cause screaming and yelling at the microphone is NOT Music (see: Billy Talent :-P).
City and Colour - Save Your Scissors
Can't think of anything more to write about at the moment. :-P
Monday, March 06, 2006
The One About The Oscars
The Oscars just got a bit hipper! Three 6 Mafia's performance added some street creds to the Oscars this year. And Jon Stewart said it best, why are they the only ones who are so excited about getting the Oscars - everyone who wins should be that excited. :-D I doubt that this will be repeated next year (hope I'm wrong). Anyway, here are some highlights from the snootyfest. :-P
The Opening Monologue to the Oscars
George Clooney Winning
(NOTE: Turn down the volume before you watch this one)Steve Carell & Will Ferrell Presenting Best Makeup
It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp
Winner of Best SongWednesday, March 01, 2006
The One With The City Blanketed By Snow

Knee deep in snow! You know long it takes to shovel 15-20 cm of snow of the sidewalk of a corner lot???? ONE HOUR!!!!! Okay, maybe 45 minutes cause I ended up just making snow angels for the 15 minutes after the tedious task of snow shovelling was completed.
It was fun. I can honestly say that I haven't made a snow angel (proper one) in my life until now. :-D If it wasn't for fear of getting hypothermia from the wet clothes, I think I would continue to prance around the backyard (and maybe the front if no one was looking). Hahahahahaha! To be a kid again, eh! :-D
Typing this up on my lappie cause my desktop is on the fritz! Fan-freaking-tastic! I never have any luck with technology and I just bought that damn thing maybe 8 months ago? My sibling and I have diagnosed the problem to be the memory. It's not like I'm overclocking the system but for some reason - the memory is dying on me. GRRRR! Of course, the tech guy wanted me to bring it into the shop and I'm like, buddy, your freaking store is like 45 minutes away. Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated but it feels like it and I hate lugging the damn case cause it's bloody heavy and I have to worry about static and driving slowly (btw, I don't do slow :-P) and with the city blanketed by snow, I foresee a lot of SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW drivers. :-P
The One With The Commercial
This is the extended version of one of the funniest ad that I've seen in a while. :-D It's for Becel magarine's "Heart Health Makeover" promotion. Too bad I still don't like the product - I prefer Imperial. :-D
Monday, February 27, 2006
The One With More Great Music :-D
Yes! I think I probably mentioned it somewhere already but if I haven't - JEM (no, not the one with the Holograms Hahahahaha) is an AWESOME singer. I know that these recommendations are "old" but there are other blogs (see the list on the right column) with recommendations on new and unsigned artists. I like to push for the "classics" (hahaha) so these tunes don't gather dust in the corner. :-D Anyway, I managed to tracked down two videos from her debut CD. :-D
Like Ivy, there hasn't been a big push by the record company to promote her (although her songs have been used on TV series like The OC and Six Feet Under). One of her songs, 24, is also being used in the Ultraviolet trailer. I still wish these music channels would play more of her stuff. :-S If all else fails, she can start practicing law from the degree she attained from Sussex University.
Wish I
Just A Ride
Like Ivy, there hasn't been a big push by the record company to promote her (although her songs have been used on TV series like The OC and Six Feet Under). One of her songs, 24, is also being used in the Ultraviolet trailer. I still wish these music channels would play more of her stuff. :-S If all else fails, she can start practicing law from the degree she attained from Sussex University.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
The One With Me Rediscovering Ivy
Yes folks, my reading week will officially be over in T-minus 20 minutes. Ahhhh, Mondays! :-P Well, at least I can look forward to Silly Pipe Dreams' "Musical Mondays" entry. :-D
So my meeting with my fine arts classmates went well. I think it will be a cool project to do - may not be air freshener in pants but this other idea will do. Sorry, it's kinda top secret at the moment but will post more about it when it's done and presented (check back in 3 weeks :-D).

Anyway back to the title of this latest entry. I forgotttttttttttttt how cool Ivy (left to right: Adam Schlesinger, Dominique Durand and Andy Chase) is!!!!! I know, I know - and I call myself a music fan. Hahahaha! Was rummaging around my music collection and played their most recent release "In The Clear" and their older stuff "Long Distance". Why can't the stuff released by artists these days sound more like Ivy? If not, be as gooooooooood as Ivy. Pop fluff are good every now and then but sometimes, I think that our ears deserve to hear some good music. :-D Here are two sample tunes from both releases. Remember, if you like it, buy it! :-D If you spent money on crappy stuff (see JLo's latest one Hahahaha), it's time to redeem yourself now. :-D By the way, I like JLo's tune in small doses but her last album was just craaaaaaaaaaap! :-P
From "In The Clear" : Ivy - Four in the Morning
From "My Long Distance" : Ivy - Edge of the Ocean (MY ULTIMATE FAVOURITE IVY SONG!!!!!!! EVER!!! I know, along with everyone else lol :-P)
So my meeting with my fine arts classmates went well. I think it will be a cool project to do - may not be air freshener in pants but this other idea will do. Sorry, it's kinda top secret at the moment but will post more about it when it's done and presented (check back in 3 weeks :-D).

Anyway back to the title of this latest entry. I forgotttttttttttttt how cool Ivy (left to right: Adam Schlesinger, Dominique Durand and Andy Chase) is!!!!! I know, I know - and I call myself a music fan. Hahahaha! Was rummaging around my music collection and played their most recent release "In The Clear" and their older stuff "Long Distance". Why can't the stuff released by artists these days sound more like Ivy? If not, be as gooooooooood as Ivy. Pop fluff are good every now and then but sometimes, I think that our ears deserve to hear some good music. :-D Here are two sample tunes from both releases. Remember, if you like it, buy it! :-D If you spent money on crappy stuff (see JLo's latest one Hahahaha), it's time to redeem yourself now. :-D By the way, I like JLo's tune in small doses but her last album was just craaaaaaaaaaap! :-P
From "In The Clear" : Ivy - Four in the Morning
From "My Long Distance" : Ivy - Edge of the Ocean (MY ULTIMATE FAVOURITE IVY SONG!!!!!!! EVER!!! I know, along with everyone else lol :-P)
The One About My Recovery
Holy hell! I've had the worst night/morning ever - stemming from Friday night's shenanigans. A couple of friends and I decided that it was high time that we got really hammered cause I haven't done so in a long time (you know, cause of school and my lack of drinking funds). Lord Jesus Christ! I will never drink again! Hahahahahahaha! I was really good for most part of the night until I came home and set up shop in the bathroom.
I must be losing some brain cells because after a good rest and nursing my stomach (aka detox with lots of water and nothing else), I woke up this morning thinking that it's MONDAY! Hahahaha! What the hell! So, if I blog about another night of drinking and other shenanigans, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee be kind enough to remind me of this experience so that I won't go overboard again. :-D
So, it looks to be another lazy Sunday cause some people are still recovering from Friday night and I have a group meeting with my fine arts classmate tonight. We have to think of an invention for the course. Easier said than done, I say. We had an initial meeting before and my ideas were silly, as usual. See - pants with air freshener (aka, if you fart, u press a button and the pants sprayed this mist of springtime freshness). Hahahahaha! I thought it was a cool idea. We'll see what else we can come up with later tonight. I wouldn't hold my breath on that pants idea. Hahahaha!
On another note, the 20th Olympic Winter Games will end tonight. Canada rockeeeeeeed with 24 medals in total - the best in Canadian history. :-D To think, if the Cdn Men didn't choke on the hockey game, we would have hauled 25 medals (the targeted goal by the Canadian Olympic Commitee). :-D All in all, the Cdn women got it done - just to prove that Canadian girls do rock! Hahahahaha! CBC's Olympic cartoonist, Charlie Teljeur, summed it up the best with the following illustration (hehehe):

Now, we're going into the 2010 Games in Vancouver with HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing cause what if we all choooooked! Oh well, the Cdn team now has 2 years to train and prepare for that. :-D
I must be losing some brain cells because after a good rest and nursing my stomach (aka detox with lots of water and nothing else), I woke up this morning thinking that it's MONDAY! Hahahaha! What the hell! So, if I blog about another night of drinking and other shenanigans, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee be kind enough to remind me of this experience so that I won't go overboard again. :-D
So, it looks to be another lazy Sunday cause some people are still recovering from Friday night and I have a group meeting with my fine arts classmate tonight. We have to think of an invention for the course. Easier said than done, I say. We had an initial meeting before and my ideas were silly, as usual. See - pants with air freshener (aka, if you fart, u press a button and the pants sprayed this mist of springtime freshness). Hahahahaha! I thought it was a cool idea. We'll see what else we can come up with later tonight. I wouldn't hold my breath on that pants idea. Hahahaha!
On another note, the 20th Olympic Winter Games will end tonight. Canada rockeeeeeeed with 24 medals in total - the best in Canadian history. :-D To think, if the Cdn Men didn't choke on the hockey game, we would have hauled 25 medals (the targeted goal by the Canadian Olympic Commitee). :-D All in all, the Cdn women got it done - just to prove that Canadian girls do rock! Hahahahaha! CBC's Olympic cartoonist, Charlie Teljeur, summed it up the best with the following illustration (hehehe):

Now, we're going into the 2010 Games in Vancouver with HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing cause what if we all choooooked! Oh well, the Cdn team now has 2 years to train and prepare for that. :-D
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The One About Hot Pot
Well, my sibling and I treated the family to a hot pot dinner cause it was daddio's birthday. It was a nice relaxing dinner. We stayed at the restaurant for maybe 2 hours and that's a lonnnnng time when it comes to our family dinners. My cousins will vouch for that. The typical family gathering type dinner involves the "Hi, how are you doing?" and other small talks, then the dishes are served and we all gobbled it up in an hour or less. Then another round of small talk and the bill is paid. Hahaha!

I knew it wasn't going to be a cakewalk but to not even make an appearance in the medal rounds??????? Total disappointment. :-( Oh well, on the bright side, we're sitting at 4th place in terms of medal standings! :-D

I knew it wasn't going to be a cakewalk but to not even make an appearance in the medal rounds??????? Total disappointment. :-( Oh well, on the bright side, we're sitting at 4th place in terms of medal standings! :-D
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The One About Reading Week
It's day two/three of my one week holiday and I did absolutely diddly squat! :-D Unlike the globetrotter, I haven't had a chance to PARTY HARD during my break from classes! :-P Maybe this coming weekend if the crew is up for it? But I'm not holding my breath on that one. :-P
As I've mentioned before, my exams are done before my reading week break so I'm fortunate enough to actually relax during this break rather than using it to "study". Now my anxiety reigns in waiting for my results (midterm & assignments). I pray to GOD! that I get a B (minimum) on my Labour Relations assignment. Everyone seems to have noooooooo problem stretching their essays to the max while I struggled to even maintain the minimum. I think I've covered most of the points I needed to say but who knows - I've heard that the LR prof is a hardass when it comes to marking. Grrrrrreat! *denotes sarcasm*
So, what's making its rounds on campus last week? Well, I think everyone must have gotten the following fwd in their inbox? If not, enjoy! :-D
As I've mentioned before, my exams are done before my reading week break so I'm fortunate enough to actually relax during this break rather than using it to "study". Now my anxiety reigns in waiting for my results (midterm & assignments). I pray to GOD! that I get a B (minimum) on my Labour Relations assignment. Everyone seems to have noooooooo problem stretching their essays to the max while I struggled to even maintain the minimum. I think I've covered most of the points I needed to say but who knows - I've heard that the LR prof is a hardass when it comes to marking. Grrrrrreat! *denotes sarcasm*
So, what's making its rounds on campus last week? Well, I think everyone must have gotten the following fwd in their inbox? If not, enjoy! :-D
Saturday, February 18, 2006
The One About "Product Pimpage"
So here I am, still awake, taking a break from studying, breathing a sigh of relief that the sales assignment is complete and ready to be handed in, waiting anxiously to see what the midterm will look like and think about how I will bomb it :-P, contemplating on drinking the last of my Sobe Arush 4-pack (hehehe), waiting for 8:00 a.m. to roll around so that I can drive off to class, deliberating on when I should stop creating this run-on sentence. :-D
Right, so I was watching the most recent episode of Smallville (which is getting quite boring :-P and why isn't Tom Welling the new Superman on the big screen? :-S) and scene after scene, what do I see? Dell product placements!

Talk about major product pimpage! Hahahahaha!!! Okay, it may not be funny now but it was at the time that I spotted them - it's like when you don't have the product, you don't noticed it around you and when you do own it, it's like everywhere. :-P Stil, I'm loving my little princess :-D
Right, so I was watching the most recent episode of Smallville (which is getting quite boring :-P and why isn't Tom Welling the new Superman on the big screen? :-S) and scene after scene, what do I see? Dell product placements!

Talk about major product pimpage! Hahahahaha!!! Okay, it may not be funny now but it was at the time that I spotted them - it's like when you don't have the product, you don't noticed it around you and when you do own it, it's like everywhere. :-P Stil, I'm loving my little princess :-D
Friday, February 17, 2006
The One With "Two More To Go"
Yessssssss! Another sigh of relief. My bodyclock definitely needs to be on the mend after Saturday. TGI Reading Week! :-D :-D :-D
Christ! I think I spent about $20-$30 on energy drinks this week (probably $100+ the last 2-3 months O_o). I guess I could have saved bundles by just making myself a homebrewed cup of coffee - but I'm just used to these Sobe drinks! I think I might need to go to Sobe Anonymous after the end of the semester. That or write to them and ask them to sponsor me in finishing my studies, in return, I will promote and pimp out the advantages of drinking SOBE ARUSH!!! when you need that extra boost of energy! Mmm mmm goodness! :-D Hahahahahaha! Anyone who works for Sobe, holla at me! :-D God! Oh my GODDDD!!!! There's a Sobe "No Fear" Gold!!!!!! I wannnnnnnnt! It's like the new crack! Hahahaha!

Anyway, I'm just going to finish up my Sales assignment. The prof is great and all but damn, his instructions are broad and if we get extra information from him - they're confusing. I'm just lost but hopefully it will all come together by the crack of dawn. :-P
Christ! I think I spent about $20-$30 on energy drinks this week (probably $100+ the last 2-3 months O_o). I guess I could have saved bundles by just making myself a homebrewed cup of coffee - but I'm just used to these Sobe drinks! I think I might need to go to Sobe Anonymous after the end of the semester. That or write to them and ask them to sponsor me in finishing my studies, in return, I will promote and pimp out the advantages of drinking SOBE ARUSH!!! when you need that extra boost of energy! Mmm mmm goodness! :-D Hahahahahaha! Anyone who works for Sobe, holla at me! :-D God! Oh my GODDDD!!!! There's a Sobe "No Fear" Gold!!!!!! I wannnnnnnnt! It's like the new crack! Hahahaha!

Anyway, I'm just going to finish up my Sales assignment. The prof is great and all but damn, his instructions are broad and if we get extra information from him - they're confusing. I'm just lost but hopefully it will all come together by the crack of dawn. :-P
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The One With Another "All Nighter"
God damn! Another assignment down! One more to go along with a midterm. You know what I hate about written assignment? Trying to draw out the SAME 2-3 IMPORTANT points (that I know of :-P) into 5-10 pages. :-P If the prof lets me (not that I would know cause I'm not gonna test her or the following idea :-P), I would just write 3 paragraphs with the important points in 3 sentences and hand that to her (all in one page, single spaced). Hahahahaha!
What else happened? Oh yes, the Brit Awards was last night. Here are the nominees and the eventual winners (bolded):
British Group
* Coldplay Parlophone / EMI Music
* Franz Ferdinand Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* Gorillaz Parlophone / EMI Music
* Hard-Fi Necessary / Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
MasterCard British Album
* Coldplay X & Y Parlophone / EMI Music
* Gorillaz Demon Days Parlophone / EMI Music
* James Blunt Back To Bedlam Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs Employment B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* Kate Bush Aerial EMI / EMI Music
British Single (Winner chosen by UK Commercial Radio listeners)
* Coldplay Speed Of Sound Parlophone / EMI Music
* James Blunt You’re Beautiful Atlantic / Warner Music
* Shayne Ward That’s My Goal Syco Music / Sony BMG Music
* Sugababes Push The Button Island / Universal Music
* Tony Christie ft Peter Kay (Is This The Way To) Amarillo UMTV / Universal Music
British Breakthrough Act (Winner chosen by Radio 1 listeners)
* Arctic Monkeys Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* James Blunt Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* KT Tunstall Relentless / EMI Music
* Magic Numbers Heavenly / EMI Music
British Urban Act (Winner chosen by MTV:Base viewers)
* Craig David Warner Brothers / Warner Music
* Dizzee Rascal XL Recordings / Beggars Group
* Kano 679 Recordings / Warner Music
* Lemar Sony Music / Sony BMG Music
* Ms Dynamite Polydor / Universal Music
British Rock Act (Winner chosen by Kerrang! TV viewers)
* Franz Ferdinand Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* Hard-Fi Necessary / Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* Kasabian RCA / Sony BMG Music
* Oasis Big Brother / Sony BMG Music
British Live Act (Winner chosen by Radio 2 listeners)
* Coldplay Parlophone / EMI Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* Franz Ferdinand Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* KT Tunstall Relentless / EMI Music
* Oasis Big Brother / Sony BMG Music
Pop Act (Winner chosen by CD:UK viewers, readers of The Sun Bizarre column, and customers of O2 and Motorola)
* James Blunt Atlantic / Warner Music
* Katie Melua Dramatico / Dramatico
* Kelly Clarkson RCA / Sony BMG Music
* Madonna Maverick / Warner Music
* Westlife S / BMG / Sony BMG Music
International Male Solo Artist
* Beck Interscope / Universal Music
* Bruce Springsteen Columbia / Sony BMG Music
* Jack Johnson Island / Universal Music
* John Legend Columbia / Sony BMG Music
* Kanye West Roc-A-Fella / Mercury / Universal Music
International Female Solo Artist
* Björk One Little Indian / One Little Indian
* Kelly Clarkson RCA / Sony BMG Music
* Madonna Maverick / Warner Music
* Mariah Carey Def Jam / Island / Universal Music
* Missy Elliott Atlantic / Warner Music
International Group
* Arcade Fire Rough Trade / Sanctuary
* Black Eyed Peas A&M / Universal Music
* Green Day Reprise / Warner Music
* U2 Island / Universal Music
* White Stripes XL Recordings / Beggars Group
International Album
* Arcade Fire Funeral Rough Trade / Sanctuary
* Green Day American Idiot Reprise / Warner Music
* Kanye West Late Registration Roc-A-Fella / Mercury / Universal Music
* Madonna Confessions On A Dance Floor Maverick / Warner Music
* U2 How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb Island / Universal Music
International Breakthrough Act
* Arcade Fire Rough Trade / Sanctuary
* Daniel Powter Warner Brothers / Warner Music
* Jack Johnson Island / Universal Music
* John Legend Columbia / Sony BMG Music
* Pussycat Dolls A&M/ Universal Music
Outstanding Contribution to music
* Paul Weller V2 / V2
Personally, I'm not too keen on the Kaiser Chiefs and Jack Johnson isn't really a "breakthrough" artist - the dude has been out for eons, WTF! As for Kanye, he's getting on my nerves these days - hasn't he learned that humility has its virtues? :-P And James Blunt, well, he's not my cup of tea either. :-P I bet Robbie WIlliams must be pissed off that he was beaten by Blunt. I'm thinking Blunt will be a "one hit wonder" in, oh let's say 15 minutes. Hehehehehehe! I remember when the Brit Awards used to be so cool (with winners and performers such as PJ Harvey, Massive Attack, Maniac Street Preachers, Stereophonics, (minus the Spice Girls HAHAHAHA) etc...) I guess it still looks like a cool party, probably more so than our Junos. :-P
Anyway, I'm probably delirious again. No sleep and caffeine will do that to a person. Hahahaha! Ok, I'm going to try to either: (a) finish up my last assignment, (b) finish up my last assignment and study, (c) study, (d) procrastinate some more, or (e) try to get some sleep while still buzzed from 2 cans of Sobe and a XL cup of double double. O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o helpppppp meeeee O_o O_o O_o O_o
What else happened? Oh yes, the Brit Awards was last night. Here are the nominees and the eventual winners (bolded):
British Group
* Coldplay Parlophone / EMI Music
* Franz Ferdinand Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* Gorillaz Parlophone / EMI Music
* Hard-Fi Necessary / Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
MasterCard British Album
* Coldplay X & Y Parlophone / EMI Music
* Gorillaz Demon Days Parlophone / EMI Music
* James Blunt Back To Bedlam Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs Employment B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* Kate Bush Aerial EMI / EMI Music
British Single (Winner chosen by UK Commercial Radio listeners)
* Coldplay Speed Of Sound Parlophone / EMI Music
* James Blunt You’re Beautiful Atlantic / Warner Music
* Shayne Ward That’s My Goal Syco Music / Sony BMG Music
* Sugababes Push The Button Island / Universal Music
* Tony Christie ft Peter Kay (Is This The Way To) Amarillo UMTV / Universal Music
British Breakthrough Act (Winner chosen by Radio 1 listeners)
* Arctic Monkeys Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* James Blunt Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* KT Tunstall Relentless / EMI Music
* Magic Numbers Heavenly / EMI Music
British Urban Act (Winner chosen by MTV:Base viewers)
* Craig David Warner Brothers / Warner Music
* Dizzee Rascal XL Recordings / Beggars Group
* Kano 679 Recordings / Warner Music
* Lemar Sony Music / Sony BMG Music
* Ms Dynamite Polydor / Universal Music
British Rock Act (Winner chosen by Kerrang! TV viewers)
* Franz Ferdinand Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* Hard-Fi Necessary / Atlantic / Warner Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* Kasabian RCA / Sony BMG Music
* Oasis Big Brother / Sony BMG Music
British Live Act (Winner chosen by Radio 2 listeners)
* Coldplay Parlophone / EMI Music
* Kaiser Chiefs B Unique / Polydor / Universal
* Franz Ferdinand Domino Recordings / Domino Recordings
* KT Tunstall Relentless / EMI Music
* Oasis Big Brother / Sony BMG Music
Pop Act (Winner chosen by CD:UK viewers, readers of The Sun Bizarre column, and customers of O2 and Motorola)
* James Blunt Atlantic / Warner Music
* Katie Melua Dramatico / Dramatico
* Kelly Clarkson RCA / Sony BMG Music
* Madonna Maverick / Warner Music
* Westlife S / BMG / Sony BMG Music
International Male Solo Artist
* Beck Interscope / Universal Music
* Bruce Springsteen Columbia / Sony BMG Music
* Jack Johnson Island / Universal Music
* John Legend Columbia / Sony BMG Music
* Kanye West Roc-A-Fella / Mercury / Universal Music
International Female Solo Artist
* Björk One Little Indian / One Little Indian
* Kelly Clarkson RCA / Sony BMG Music
* Madonna Maverick / Warner Music
* Mariah Carey Def Jam / Island / Universal Music
* Missy Elliott Atlantic / Warner Music
International Group
* Arcade Fire Rough Trade / Sanctuary
* Black Eyed Peas A&M / Universal Music
* Green Day Reprise / Warner Music
* U2 Island / Universal Music
* White Stripes XL Recordings / Beggars Group
International Album
* Arcade Fire Funeral Rough Trade / Sanctuary
* Green Day American Idiot Reprise / Warner Music
* Kanye West Late Registration Roc-A-Fella / Mercury / Universal Music
* Madonna Confessions On A Dance Floor Maverick / Warner Music
* U2 How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb Island / Universal Music
International Breakthrough Act
* Arcade Fire Rough Trade / Sanctuary
* Daniel Powter Warner Brothers / Warner Music
* Jack Johnson Island / Universal Music
* John Legend Columbia / Sony BMG Music
* Pussycat Dolls A&M/ Universal Music
Outstanding Contribution to music
* Paul Weller V2 / V2
Personally, I'm not too keen on the Kaiser Chiefs and Jack Johnson isn't really a "breakthrough" artist - the dude has been out for eons, WTF! As for Kanye, he's getting on my nerves these days - hasn't he learned that humility has its virtues? :-P And James Blunt, well, he's not my cup of tea either. :-P I bet Robbie WIlliams must be pissed off that he was beaten by Blunt. I'm thinking Blunt will be a "one hit wonder" in, oh let's say 15 minutes. Hehehehehehe! I remember when the Brit Awards used to be so cool (with winners and performers such as PJ Harvey, Massive Attack, Maniac Street Preachers, Stereophonics, (minus the Spice Girls HAHAHAHA) etc...) I guess it still looks like a cool party, probably more so than our Junos. :-P
Anyway, I'm probably delirious again. No sleep and caffeine will do that to a person. Hahahaha! Ok, I'm going to try to either: (a) finish up my last assignment, (b) finish up my last assignment and study, (c) study, (d) procrastinate some more, or (e) try to get some sleep while still buzzed from 2 cans of Sobe and a XL cup of double double. O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o helpppppp meeeee O_o O_o O_o O_o
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
The One With "One Down, Three To Go"
For the next three weeks, there will be NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ethics assignments!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! What did I write about this week? Corporate social responsibilities in a free enterprise and which companies deserve praises for being ethical and which companies didn't. :-P Although this class is a LOTTTTTTTTTT of work, I am learning something from it. Quite scary! :-P
Anyway, that's one assignment done and 3 more to go (incl. a midterm). Still a bit stressed but I think I should be okay if I just relaxed a little bit more. I think the 2 cans of Sobe I had this morning is working overtime. Hahaha!
I would like to pimp out my favourite Sammi tune (in a video format). 愛是... featuring Sammi & LMF! :-D I may be a banana but I still appreciate good music, no matter what languages :-D God! I wonder what has happened to her.
Coincidentally, it's fitting for today/night as it's Valentine's Day! Not that there's much to celebrate this year but no biggie as I will just surround myself with lots of good music to keep me company. Actually, I can't relax as I still have work to do. :-P
Anyway, that's one assignment done and 3 more to go (incl. a midterm). Still a bit stressed but I think I should be okay if I just relaxed a little bit more. I think the 2 cans of Sobe I had this morning is working overtime. Hahaha!
I would like to pimp out my favourite Sammi tune (in a video format). 愛是... featuring Sammi & LMF! :-D I may be a banana but I still appreciate good music, no matter what languages :-D God! I wonder what has happened to her.
Coincidentally, it's fitting for today/night as it's Valentine's Day! Not that there's much to celebrate this year but no biggie as I will just surround myself with lots of good music to keep me company. Actually, I can't relax as I still have work to do. :-P
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The One About Sleep Deprevation
It seems that staying up for 35 consecutive hours is not a record. :-P According to Guinness, the world record for staying awake is 264 hours (11 days). O_o Crap! I have a long way to go! :-P
Thanks to one XL double double and 2 cans of Sobe Arush, I've been up for a good 35 hours. I think I will crash anytime now but for the moment, will just try to do something productive - like starting up on my fuckings assignments and study for my midterms. I'll be so damn glad when Sunday comes around as it will mark the start of my Reading Week. :-D Thankfully, I have nooooooo midterms or assignments due after the break (knock on wood).
So, I've just got home from the dinner theatre at Mayfield. Show and food was so-so. Maybe I wasn't into it because of my sleep deprivation? Anyway, you know how seniors always complain that the young'uns have no respect and shit like that? Well, these group of old foggies were pulling a buttinski in the buffet line. I guess no one wanted to say anything cause they're old. :-P What a bunch of lamers! :-P
And on a happy note, Canada has won their first gold medal at Turino. Alberta's own Jennifer Heil won it for freestyle skiing. :-D Also, the Canadian Women's Hockey team clobbered the Italian 16-0. The shots on goal was 66 to 5. I kinda feel bad for the Italian team but they were being such good sports about it. :-D
I think I'm done procrastinating, wait, who am I kidding? :-P Oh well, I'll try to get some sleep. Ciao! :-D
Thanks to one XL double double and 2 cans of Sobe Arush, I've been up for a good 35 hours. I think I will crash anytime now but for the moment, will just try to do something productive - like starting up on my fuckings assignments and study for my midterms. I'll be so damn glad when Sunday comes around as it will mark the start of my Reading Week. :-D Thankfully, I have nooooooo midterms or assignments due after the break (knock on wood).
So, I've just got home from the dinner theatre at Mayfield. Show and food was so-so. Maybe I wasn't into it because of my sleep deprivation? Anyway, you know how seniors always complain that the young'uns have no respect and shit like that? Well, these group of old foggies were pulling a buttinski in the buffet line. I guess no one wanted to say anything cause they're old. :-P What a bunch of lamers! :-P
And on a happy note, Canada has won their first gold medal at Turino. Alberta's own Jennifer Heil won it for freestyle skiing. :-D Also, the Canadian Women's Hockey team clobbered the Italian 16-0. The shots on goal was 66 to 5. I kinda feel bad for the Italian team but they were being such good sports about it. :-D
I think I'm done procrastinating, wait, who am I kidding? :-P Oh well, I'll try to get some sleep. Ciao! :-D
Friday, February 10, 2006
The One About The Olympics

The 20th Winter Olympics has just begun! To tell you the truth, I didn't even know the opening ceremony was tonight (or last night in Turino time). I missed most of it but did managed to see the Italian team entering the Stadio Olimpico. I'm sure the CBC will re-broadcast the ceremony later (hopefully) so will try to catch it then or tape it. ;-)
There are a lot of high hopes for the Cdn team to do well in Turino. I guess it's to build up for Vancouver 2010. It would be nice to head on down to Vancouver to be a part of that ceremony. We'll see - still got 4 years to go.
There is a photo gallery set up on the Canadian Olympic Committee site. CBC is also the main broadcaster for the Turino Olympics. Think this is their last winter olympics cause Bell? got the rights for the 2010 Oly in Vancouver.
Aesthetically, I'm not sure about Team Canada's outfit. I guess I could get used to the parkas (though am not sure how hot it really is in Turino at the moment) and am okay with the sheepskin trapper hats with fuzzy earflaps (they are kinda cute though they remind me of that Jason Biggs movie "Loser" Hahahaha!) but why oh why did they have to wear those damn ugly uggs? >_< I wished Roots was still the designer for the Olympic team but alas, this year, it's all about the Hudson Bay Company. Anyway, uggs or no uggs, good luck to Team Canada!!! :-D
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The One About Lost Five-O & Free Entries

Ok, was buying gas for the car and thought I'd get an energy drink for the hell of it. So, went in the Mac's store to pay for the gas and decided to check out a new drink, Lost Five-O. God, that was a mistake. How would I describe the taste of this drink? Hmmm, how about "a weird citrus-like drink with beer added to it"? :-P It's freaking gross. If I wanted the "beer" aftertaste, I would drink BEER! :-P
Spent a good 30 mins bantering with Jackie over MSN about business ethics. I know, holy crap, I'm actually retaining and applying what I've learned in class into a real life conversation. Like I told him, it was a bit refreshing really - to be back in the "college phase" where you're not pressured to earn your pay. Hehehe! If I could be a lifetime student, I soooooo would. Just need to find some government grants to support me in that endeavor. Hehehe!
Anyway, spent the evening at a relative's for another family dinner. I'll be glad when CNY is over and I can go back to regular food. Wait, who am I kidding? Bring on the free food as long as I can get away with wearing just a hoodie and jeans (aka the Unabomber look) cause really, we're all family so who do I have to impress anyway. Hahahaha!
Finally got to see my little cuz, Bryce. He's sooooooo damn cute! And strong too. Damn! Ahhh, if be young again. :-D
Oh yes, the Grammy's was on tonight. Didn't catch a minute of it but thanks to and some uploader(s), you can see the opening act here.
Ok, here's a better video but the audio isn't as loud as the one above. :-D Heard it was a snoozefest with the exception of Gorillaz-Madonna performance.
And since I'm pimping videos from, here's one of my recent favourite. Thanks to the people at Good Weather For Air Strike for writing about it. :-D It's a video by Pinback called Fortress. :-D I've been humming/singing the chorus for like the past two days. Hahahaha!
On the topic of "Free Entries", Apple is holding a "iTunes: One Billion Songs Countdown" contest. Here are the rules and here's how you enter online for free (limit to 25 entries per day). In order to be eligible, entrants must be 13 years of age or older, and a legal resident of one of the 50 United States, including Washington, D.C., Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland or the United Kingdom. Good luck! :-D
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